Sunday, July 13, 2008

Montana Trip

We had a really fun trip to Montana this year. We arrived 2 days after everybody else. When we got there they had flown a remote controlled airplane into a tree. We spent our first morning airplane fishing. We had some nails tied onto the end of a rope. The goal was to wrap the rope around the branch the airplane was stuck on or the airplane itself and shake or pull the airplane out. Grandpa had really good aim, but the plane was really stuck.Roger waiting for his turn to go airplane fishing. Parker running over to watch the action. The kids had fun playing in the creek. It rained a few times while we were there, so the kids didn't play in the creek as much as usual. Grandpa decided to climb up the tree and get the airplane out. That plane was really high up in the tree. I was relieved when he got the plane and made it out of the tree safely. The plane was fixed so they decided to fly it again. As you can see, the flight didn't go very well. It was a lot easier to get the plane out of this tree. Watching them fly the plane was very entertaining. It didn't turn very sharp and it crashed a lot. Roger rode the 4-wheeler a lot. It was really fun. Brinley was too scared to go on a 4-wheeler ride. We kept trying. We got her to sit on it, but she started to cry and was really scared when she realized that it was going to move.I don't know why, but all of the pictures I took on this night turned out this way, with the white looking bright pink. Brinley had a lot of fun playing on the swing set.
I really liked this picture. This is the first house that my great great grandparents built when they homesteaded here. Parker and Brinley really loved playing on this swing. I was trying to be creative and get some nice pictures with this lone flower and the kids.
We went to Glacier and tried to ride the bus up Going-to-the-Sun Highway. These are pictures I took while we were waiting for the bus. The bus ride ended up not being a very great thing. We got motion sickness from the ride. So we got off at the first stop. Every bus going back down was really crowded, which made it harder to see out the windows and really made us feel yucky. We ended up spliting up on the ride back. Half of us took the first bus down and the rest of us had to wait a half an hour for the next bus.

Roger, Brinley, Parker, and I woke up and took a walk. Alissa was still asleep. She always sleeps late. Brinley and Parker had a lot of fun jumping in the puddles in the road.
These are pictures from the Polebridge Parade. I went to the parade one time when I was younger. I remember thinking it was really weird and asking "Was that really a parade?" So we thought it would be fun to see what it was like. It was fun, short, and different. They threw lots of candy, so the kids were happy. I didn't get a picture of two entries that were funny. Santa Claus was in the parade and they had an entry from the BCJ club. BCJ stands for bears chasing joggers. I thought that was funny. They had a jogger and some one dressed up as a bear chasing after him. They also had cheerleaders holding up signs rooting for the bear. After the parade, Roger and I went on a 4-wheeler ride to Whale Creek Falls. It took about 35 minutes to get there. I had been wanting to show Roger the falls, but I have not been able to find them. This year Roger looked on his GPS so we could find it. Everybody else in the family knows how to get there. I think I was the only one who couldn't figure it out. The reason I had a hard time finding it was because I hadn't realized that it was such a long drive on that road. I thought it was closer than it was. It is a little hard to see from the side of the road. It is a really steep hike down hill to get close and take a picture. Watching the fireworks!
Brinley and Parker didn't stay outside very long. They both got scared, so I took them inside and we watched from the window. Actually, I watched from the window while they ate cereal at the table.I love our Montana trips! I can't wait for next year!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like it was a great vacation! You guys always enjoy that trip I should have went with ya years ago when I had a chance.
