Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Nice Night - August 28, 2011

Sunday - August 28th

I spent a lot of time trying to organize things for my scrapbooking today.  I love reminiscing!  After looking at pictures, I went up to my room and read some of my old journals.  I love reading those and remembering things that I had forgotten.  I'm so glad I kept those.  I decided that I want to start writing in my journal all the time again.  I'm going to start tonight.

We decided to homeschool the kids this year.  I'm excited and nervous!  It seems so odd to me... the public school starts tomorrow.  It is so weird to not have to worry about getting the kids to school in the morning.  It's kind of nice.  We let the kids stay up until 9:00pm tonight and we spent some time playing in the front yard in the dark.  It felt so nice.  There was a storm off in the distance and we watched the clouds lighting up from the lightening strikes.

After the kids were in bed, I smelled smoke.  I wondered, if we went outside, would we be able to see a fire on the mountain.  so, I asked Roger to come outside with me to see.  We didn't see any fire.  It was really dark outside tonight and it felt really scary.  Roger started to tease me because I was scared.  We ended up racing back to the house.  It was fun.  I love laughing and playing with Roger.  We have so much fun together.

I'm planning on changing my habits.  I've decided that I want to be a morning person.  I am going to start waking up at 5:00am and going to bed at 8:00pm.  I failed at going to bed early tonight, but that is because I slept in and took a nap today.  It's 11:48pm right now.  I'm going to be tired tomorrow, but I won't let myself take a nap.  I'm determined to change my schedule.  I know I can do it!  I'm kind of excited about the challenge of making this change.  I'm trying to get Alissa to be a morning person also.  She's excited about it.  I just need to stay positive so she can make this change also.  Parker has always been a morning person, just like his dad.  Brinley can go either way.  Parker usually wakes her up and she doesn't seem to mind that, but if her doesn't wake her up, she will sleep in almost as long as Alissa.

The kids are all doing well, except my little Brinley has an earache that has been bothering her since Friday night.  I plan to get her in to see the doctor tomorrow.  Roger doesn't think we'll be able to get in to see the doctor tomorrow.  He thinks we should go to Bear Lake, since we haven't been yet this year.  So, we'll see what happens tomorrow.  Maybe we'll be able to do both.

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