Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Years Eve

Saturday - December 31, 2011
2011 has been a year full of change.  I'm not sure how I feel about it all.  I'm excited to see what the year 2012 has in store for us.
 All month long I had been planning for us to make gingerbread houses.  I had wanted us to do them before Christmas, but we just never got around to it.  I had bought the stuff for it, so I still really wanted to do it.  Since I knew Missy and Becca would be coming to ring in the new year with us, I thought it would be fun to do it today so they could make gingerbread houses with us.
 Here's my creation.  I didn't get to spend a lot of time working on my own, I'm always busy helping the kids get theirs ready.
 Brinley started out making a house, but it kept falling down, so she decided to just cover her box with graham crackers and candy, that way she would have lots of candy to eat.
Here's Missy's creation.  I love her tree in the yard.
Brinley's masterpiece. 
 Here's what Parker made.  His walk way to his door looks difficult to walk on but super yummy.
 And here's Becca's beautiful house.  I like her tree also.  Note to me: don't forget to add trees in your gingerbread house yard next year.
 This is the house that Alissa built.  I love the cute little designy swirl on the roof and her door. 
 After all our gingerbread house fun, we relaxed in the living room and watched a movie.  I set out all the treats, so we could just hang out and eat all night.  We had a lot of chips and dip.  It was yummy.
A few years ago, while visiting my parents, I found this weird little puzzle toy.  I asked my mom what it was and she said it was supposed to be a train or a truck or something.  My dad had bought it.  He took it apart, but wasn't having any luck at getting it back together.  Mom said he was frustrated with it, so I could take it.  We brought it home and I keep trying every now and again, to make it into a truck or a train, but I have yet to be successful at it....until tonight!  We finally figured it out!  I was afraid to take it apart, for fear that we would never get it together again, so I set it on the piano for everyone to admire and not ruin.
 We all are sleeping in the living room tonight.  Parker is already asleep (of course).

 Missy took the truck apart and was creative and made some other fun vehicles.

 One last picture of me in the year 2011.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas 2011

Sunday - December 25, 2011
We had a really fun Christmas!

 After we finished opening all the presents, Alissa had to go and lay down.  She really was feeling yucky and super sick.  She took some of her new toys with her so she could play with them while she was in bed.
 Brinley loves her new doll.  She feeds it this special baby food then it poops it out.  It's pretty disgusting, but Brinley wanted it so bad.  She is so happy to have this doll.

 That is sooooo....... Gross!
 The best thing about living out in the middle of nowhere is when you are done opening your gifts and you have a ton of garbage from the boxes and wrapping paper, you can just take it outside and burn it.  I think that is my favorite way to get rid of the garbage.  Usually it takes us weeks to be able to get rid of all the extra garbage from Christmas.  The garbage can can only hold so much, so we have to stuff as much in as it will hold each week until all the extra garbage is gone.  This way is much faster and much nicer.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve 2011

Saturday - December 24, 2011
Money was really tight for Christmas this year.  It usually is.  Some friends from our old neighborhood, said they were going to drop off some gifts for the kids from somebody else in our old ward,  They wouldn't say who they were from.  I was sitting and relaxing in front of the tv watching the fireplace show and listening to Christmas music while I waited for our neighbors to come with the gifts.  While I was waiting, there was a knock at the door.  I thought it was them.  I opened the door and nobody was there.  Just a large stack of Christmas presents.  It was so nice!  I was so excited thinking about what a fun Christmas this would be for the kids.  I assumed that our old neighbor's, the Beverly's had delivered them, since I was expecting them.  I thought it was odd and kind of funny that they decided to leave them at the door step and hide, but thankful anyway.  So, I brought the gifts in, hid them in my room so the kids would be surprised tonight, and sat back down to enjoy the music and pretend fire.  I had just got comfortable again, when there was another knock on the door.  It was the Beverly's bringing the gifts.  I was so surprised!  And they brought way more gifts than I expected!  It was such a surprise to have so much help this year.  I feel so happy and so thankful for people helping us out.  The kids are going to have a really good Christmas this year.
My cute little Brinley was nice and and came in the living room to pose in front of the Christmas tree for me.  She was getting a little bored and impatient for bedtime to get here, so after I took her picture, we turned on some Christmas music and she danced around the living room for a while.

 Alissa decided to play the computer to help the time go by.  All the kids are feeling a little sick, so that's a bummer.
 Parker took a nap.  I didn't let him sleep too long, since I want him to be able to sleep tonight.
 The sun went down, but it still wasn't time to do our Christmas Eve fun, so the kids found different ways to help pass the time.  Brinley played tea party with her doll and stuffed animals.
 Parker and Alissa played Uno.
 Roger chillin' at the computer.
After playing tea party, we all watched a movie together.  Brinley fell asleep.  I didn't let her sleep very long before I woke her up to enjoy Christmas Eve.  It's finally time!  We let the kids open their Christmas pajamas.  After they got their jammies on, we let them each open up one gift from each other.

 They loved their gifts.  We had a really enjoyable night.  The kids were excited for bed.  This is how the living room looks now.  I can't wait for the kiddos to wake up and see what Santa brought them!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Moser Family Christmas Party - December 18, 2011

Sunday - December 18, 2011
We all met at the Wilding's house for the Moser Family Christmas Party.  I had my camera and wanted some pictures, but I didn't feel like getting up, walking around, and taking pictures.  So, I gave the camera to the kids and told them to take pictures so we could remember the fun times we are having at our family party.  The majority of the pictures taken at this party were taken by the kids.  Two times Parker came in and took my picture.  Each time, I was telling him not to.  Each time, I ended up making a weird face and looking really goofy.

 We had a yummy dinner

 then we all gathered in the family room to exchange gifts
 Atreyu opening his gift.  What a handsome boy!

 Roger looks super stylin' in his hat and glasses.
After we did our gift exchange, we all gathered around for a family talent show.  It was a lot of fun.  It was mostly the kids who shared their talents.  They were super cute.  After the talents, Grandma Moser shared a nice Christmas message with us.  It was a really fun family party.