Monday, January 30, 2012

A Tale of Three Stinkers! - January 30, 2012

Monday - January 30, 2012
Once upon on time there were three children who were stinkers! There was Alissa, the big sister stinker, Parker, the brother stinker, and Brinley, the little sister stinker.
Alissa had the chickenpox about a week ago. She had a big puppet project due on January 31st. Her mom encouraged her and told her that she should work on it while she is home with the chickenpox. She didn't listen to her mom. She wanted to relax and enjoy her time off of school. Her mother warned her not to procrastinate or she would end up being super busy the night before the project was due and she wouldn't have anytime to play with friends on that night. So the night before the project was due, Alissa came home from school and went straight to work on it. She worked and worked on it. Pretty soon, Alissa realized that the sun was going down and she wasn't going to finish in time to play with friends. She quit what she was doing and started to cry. Her daddy went into the room where Alissa was crying and throwing a fit. He talked to her for a long time about why doing homework is important. Alissa listened to her daddy. She calmed down and got back to work. She finished her project about 10 minutes before bedtime. She was so happy when she finished and she couldn't wait to play something for a little bit before she went to bed. What a cute little stinker!
Parker and Brinley wanted to take a bath together. Now that they are older, Mommy makes them wear their swimming suits if they want to take a bath at the same time. Mom agreed to let them take a bath, so they ran to their room to get their swimsuits and get ready for their bath. Mom wasn't feeling well, so she started the bath then went to lay down for a little bit. Parker climbed into the bath first so he was sitting by the faucet where the water comes into the tub. Brinley climbed in next and said, "Hey Parker! You're sitting in my spot! I always sit there." Parker did not want to give up his spot. The whole time the bath was filling up, Parker and Brinley were arguing. Brinley kept trying to pull Parker out of the spot so she could sit there and Parker kept refusing and telling her to stop. Mom was in her room and wasn't paying attention to the arguing that was going on. When Mom came into the bathroom to remind Parker to stop the water when the tub was full, she walked in just in time to hear Brinley let out a loud, terrified scream. Brinley grabbed a hold of her arm and cried. Mom asked what happened and Brinley yelled, "Parker bit me!" Brinley told how she was just reaching to get something that was on the other side of Parker and he bit her. Parker explained what had really been going on. He said that Brinley wouldn't leave him alone and kept grabbing at him, trying to get him to move, so he bit her. Mom told them that bath time was over and it was bed time. Mom gave Parker a talking too. Brinley, still crying, got out first, went to her room, got dressed and climbed into bed. She was laying in her bed whimpering when Parker got out of the tub. Parker was still pretty angry as he was getting out of the bath, but by the time he reached the bedroom, his temper had calmed down and he wasn't feeling so mad anymore. when he walked into the room and heard Brinley whimpering, he felt bad for what he had done. He apologized to Brinley then he broke down into tears. He cried, "I feel bad that Brinley is sad! I'm sorry Brinley!" Then Brinley burst into tears and said, "I feel bad that Parker is sad! I don't like it when he cries!" They both cried and hugged for a little bit before calming down and going to bed. They are really cute stinkers!

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