Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Playing on The Playground - November 20, 2013

Wednesday - November 20, 2013

Josie and Hannah's kids came over and played on the playground with us for a little while.  Parker and Brinley were really excited to have a chance to play with those kids.  Josie lives in the house that is directly across the street from our old house.  We just got to know Hannah's kids this summer.  I worked at the daycare with Hannah back in 2008, but none of the kids really remember each other from back then.
When it was time to leave, I convinced Parker and Brinley to play a game that I made up and loved playing when I was a child.  I called it dizzy racing.  Everybody spins around as fast as they can until someone falls.  As soon as someone falls, the race starts.  It is so fun trying to run when you are dizzy.  Usually, no one would make it to the finish line.  We usually ended up laying on the ground laughing and trying to recover from our dizziness.  So, Parker and Brinley started to spin.  Brinley wasn't going very fast, so I told her to spin faster.  She complained that she couldn't spin very well in the grass.  She wanted to try spinning on the black top.  I told Parker to stop spinning so we could all talk about it.  He stopped spinning and tried to walk over to me.  He barely took two steps before he lost his balance and fell.  The bad thing is that he fell the way he would when he was a baby.  It's like his head is heavy or something.  He always manages to hit his head.  I have a hard time describing the way he falls, but it always ends with a big bump on his head.  Luckily we were in the grass, so he didn't get a bump on his head, but he was not happy about the fall.  I felt bad for him.  Maybe that is not a good game for Parker, since it seems that no matter how he falls, he always manages to hit his head.

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