Tuesday, August 26, 2014

First Day of School - August 26, 2014

Tuesday - August 26th
I forgot to take a picture of Alissa before she left to school, but I did not forget to take one of my Brinley.  So.... Here she is!  She is too cute!  Brinley is going into 3rd grade this year.
 Here is Parker!  He is so excited to start homeschool.  He jumped out of bed and said, "I'm ready!  This is what I'm wearing today."  He is excited that he could wear his pajamas if he wanted to.  He made a few jokes about it this morning.  He's too funny.
 I've been super busy and very overwhelmed with everything going on.  I haven't had enough time to prepare a good homeschooling plan and routine, so, I looked on Pinterest for something fun for us to do.  We found some science experiments.  We ended up spending our whole first day of homeschooling working on science experiments.  Parker couldn't stop.  With each experiment he thought of more and more ways to mix it up and see what happened if we did this or that.  He loves science experimenting.  I'm glad he had fun.
We spent a lot of time working on a cloud in a jar, because Parker kept thinking of different things we could add to the water or try.  We learned about an object in motion staying in motion.  We also did an experiment with an egg where we stacked some things then the egg on to of a cup of water.  When we hit the things out from under the egg, the egg fell straight down into the water and didn't break.  Then we blew up balloons using baking soda and vinegar, and another one using yeast, sugar, and water.  Then we learned about flooding.  We watched some videos then experimented with the hose to see how when the ground is dry it takes the water longer to soak in.

 Here's Alissa after school.  She had a really good day.  She has a friend in every one of her classes this year.  So, she is really excited about that.
 Our cute goofy children.

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