Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Brinley's Temper Tantrum - March 3, 2015

Tuesday - March 3rd
Brinley was really fussy tonight.  It was rough.
I exercised really hard this morning.  I didn't get a lot of sleep last night and I was tired today.  Because I exercised this morning, I didn't get to take my morning nap.  And, since, I exercised so long and hard, I was extra tired tonight.
After Roger left to work, the kids, their friends, and I all had popcorn and sat in the living room watching a scary show called 'The Haunted'.  It was creepy, but we had fun.  After their friend left, I started to get really tired.  By 7:45pm, I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore.  I laid down on the couch and fell asleep.  At 9:30pm, Brinley woke me up.  She was crying and demanding that I get up and make her some food.  I told her what she could eat that was easy for her to get herself, but she said that she wanted me to make her food.  She sat down and threw a fit about it for a while, then got up and went in the kitchen to fix herself some food.  When she tried to grab something out of the fridge, a container fell out and spilled all over the floor.  That made her cry even more.  I finally managed to wake up enough and I told the kids to come up to bed.  Brinley was so tired and throwing such a big fit, I knew sleep was the only thing that would calm her down.  When we got upstairs, Parker and Brinley started fighting over who got to sleep on the top bunk and who got to choose what show they watched (The person on the top gets to chose the show - they don't like the top and that was the only way to get someone to sleep up there without throwing a fit).  Brinley was getting really out of control with her temper tantrum.  She was crying and screaming and being absolutely ridiculous.  I gave them some time to try and work it out, but their fighting just got worse and Brinley was being really rude.  I sent Parker downstairs to watch a show and give Brinley time to cool off.  She sat in her room crying and screaming and knocking things over for about 10 minutes.  She finally calmed down around 10:10pm.  She came in my room to talk and to apologize.  Parker came up also and we all sat in my room talking for a while.  Brinley fell asleep on my bed while we were talking.  We said a prayer, then I tucked Parker and Brinley into their beds.  Parker was really talkative tonight, so I stood by his bed and we talked for a while.  We had a good talk. 
While all of the major tantrums were going on, Alissa was downstairs trying to get her homework done.  Alissa is going to try out for a play at the Old Barn tomorrow.  She's been bust practicing.  She has to come prepared to sing a song.  Earlier today, while she was in the kitchen practicing, Parker's friend, Porter, asked if Alissa was the one singing.  I told him it was and he said that he thinks she sounds really good.  Alissa was very flattered by that compliment.  That gave her a big boost of self-confidence.  She needed that.  I'm excited for her.  I hope the auditions go well for her tomorrow.

Roger's been busy lately with work and training for the Search and Rescue.  He is loving the things he gets to do and learn in the Search and Rescue.  I'm glad that he gets to do this.

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