Monday, March 9, 2015

We Got a Car - March 9, 2015

Monday - March 9th
Brinley was feeling a little better today, but not enough to go to school.  she gets up and plays for about 10-20 minutes, then she is too tired again and she falls back asleep.  I'm going to keep her home from school again tomorrow.
Alissa stayed up late tonight to finish her history display board.  She is supposed to go to Logan and spend the day at USU at the history fair tomorrow.  It sounds like it will be a really long, boring day.  They are expected to be there in the morning when the judges come, then they can leave for lunch and come back around 2:00pm for an awards ceremony.  I'm worried about how things will go tomorrow.  I was thinking I would leave Parker and Brinley home, since Roger will be home sleeping.  The more I think about it, the more I realize that it is a bad idea to leave them home.  But, I also think it will be really hard on them to come with me.  They will be bored and Brinley is still sick, so that will be extra uncomfortable for her.  I wish I didn't have to go.  I can't leave them here, because we are almost out of food and they won't really have a good way to feed themselves.  but they will be so bored with us in Logan.  Hopefully tomorrow will go well.

Roger's friend, Dan, sold us a car about a week ago.  I can't remember the exact day that we got it.  But, it is a cheap, old car.  It gives us something to drive around town, so we can save money.  The truck uses up a lot of gas when we drive it around town.  It gets much better gas mileage on the freeway.  So, we think we will be able to save money by having this car.  Hopefully it really will save us money.  I realized today that I hadn't taken pictures of it, so I went out and got some.  Here is our new little car.  I think it is a 1996 Toyota something - I can't remember.  I spent a long time cleaning the inside so it would look like new.  I think I did a pretty good job.  I should have taken a before and after picture from the day I spent cleaning it.

 After school, the girls had their friends, Malaiyha and Teirnynn over.  They are playing Minecraft and Malaiyha has her phone set up to record their game.  The kids love to watch you tube videos of people playing games and hearing them talk while they play, so they decided to start making their own you tube videos.  Malaiyha has an account and that's where they post the videos they make.
Roger had a busy day.  He likes to be busy.  when he woke up, he took Parker with him to the storage unit and to Logan to get the bikes and the bike rack fixed and ready to go.  After they got home from that, roger had about 20 minutes to sit before he had to go to a meeting for Search and Rescue.  They passed off their hiking with 20lb back packs on.  Roger loved it.  I'm really glad he gets to do this.  It's perfect for him.  They also each got multiple kinds of maps of Box Elder county and they spent time learning about how to work this tool that they gave him.  I can't remember what the tool is called or what it does.  I was too tired when Roger told me about it.  Nothing he said stuck in my brain.

Parker had a little time to play with friends after Roger left to the Search and Rescue meeting tonight.  Yesterday, Roger bought 2 new PS3 remote controls.  Now we have 4 remotes.  The kids are loving it.  Now when their friends come over, all of them can play at the same time.  It made things really fun for the kids and their friends today.

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