Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween 2011

Monday - October 31, 2011
We had a good Halloween, there was just one little crazy weirdness that we had to deal with.  We had planned to go to the big Garland City trunk-or-treat.  This was a new thing they were trying out.  I though it was going to be crazy because there would be a ton of people there, but I wanted to go and experience it anyway.  I told the kids to get all ready to go.  While they were getting ready, Roger and I were downstairs looking on the computer for a house to rent.  We found one that looked like it was pretty big and a really good price in Brigham City.  Roger called about it and the guy said that we could come and look at it right away.  He said he would wait for us.  We thought we better go and see it, because it is such a good price, we figured it would go fast.  So, we had to break the bad news to the kids that we would have to miss the Garland trunk-or-treat and go to Brigham to see this house.  Alissa was the most upset over it.  
The kids eventually calmed down and we all piled in the van to go check it out.
Something is wrong and horrible about this house.  I don't know what it is.  Maybe someone was murdered there.  Who knows.... All I know is that is the creepiest house I have ever been in.  I was extremely uncomfortable in there.  There is just a really yucky feeling.  Something is not right with it.  I can't imagine the kids and I being alone there at night. It is too creepy.  I just know I can't do it.  The guy is really desperate to get this house rented.  Roger was acting really interested.  The house is bigger than the one we're in now and the rent would only be $600 a month.  Roger wanted to tell the guy yes, but I wouldn't let him.  We left and told him we would let him know tomorrow after we have time to discuss it.  
When we got home, I told Roger there was no way I could do it.  Something was way too creepy and scary about that house.  there was a horrible scary type spirit there.  He called the guy back and told him we weren't interested.  The guy was so desperate for someone to take it, that he lowered the rent to $500.00 a month and offered for us not to have to do any yard work.  It was hard for Roger to say no, but he did.  Something was really wrong with that house.  I'm so relieved that we did not agree to that.  On the outside, the house doesn't look like an evil place and the neighborhood looks nice.  As we were leaving there were a ton of kids out trick-or-treating, so we know that the kids would have had lots of friends there, but like I said before, something wasn't right about that house.
 We got home from checking out the house in Brigham and hurried out to do our trick-or-treating.  The kids had a lot of fun and they got a lot of candy.

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