Sunday, October 18, 2015

Enjoying Home Ownership Again - October 18, 2015

Sunday - October 18th
Alissa and I went to church today.  Nobody else wanted to come with us.  We were having a hard time finding our clothes and shoes.  Our new neighbor across the street was having her farewell talk today.  She will be leaving on her mission this week.  It turns out that they were in the 7th ward about a year ago.  It was during the time when I was struggling with what I believe and I didn't go to church very often.  So, even though we were in the same ward for a year, we never met.  So, it was kind of funny to go to church in our new ward and see so many people from our old ward there.  There were a lot of people from the 7th ward that came to see her farewell.
I was a little fussy about going to church.  I was tired from the move and just not in the mood to be friendly and meet new people.  I kept thinking, "I really should have waited until next week to come for the first time."  At the beginning of relief society, I was sitting alone, wishing I hadn't come until next week.  but as the meeting went on, I was glad I was there.  It was a funny meeting.  The lady teaching the lesson, was teaching for her last time (she had been released from her calling).  She was a funny lady.  She was a little crazy and seemed to be one of those extremest types, who have very strong opinions and feel like they need to let everyone know what they believe and they need to fight for what they believe.  It's funny that you can learn so much about a person from one lesson.  Anyway, during her lesson, she wasn't talking into the microphone, so the row of old ladies at the back of the room, couldn't hear her.  They kept saying, "Speak into the microphone", "We can't hear you", "What did she say?"  After one of them said, "Speak into the microphone"  little louder, the speaker got really close to the microphone, cupped her hands around her mouth and the microphone, and loudly said, "Is this better?"  Everybody laughed, then she whispered loudly into the microphone, "I'm kind of a smart ass."  Everybody laughed again.  Then the old ladies in the back started talking.  One of them said, "What did she say?"  Another one replied, "She said, She's a smart ass.", "What?", a little louder this time, "She said she's a smart ass."  "What?", this time she yelled it, "SHE SAID SHE'S A SMART ASS!", "Ohhh.."  That was pretty funny listening to the crazy person giving the lesson and the funny old ladies on the back row.  I really think I'm going to like this ward.
When we got home, the kids and I walked across the street to the neighbor's house.  They invited us to the open house they were having for their daughter.  Most of the people had left by this point.  We walked over, visited for a little bit, and ate some food.  Then we headed home, with the neighbor girls in tow.  They wanted to play for a little while still.  The kids stayed outside playing a game in the backyard.  They had a lot of fun.

 The kids' friends went home and we all came inside to relax.  Roger's friend, Brian and his girlfriend, Keri came over to visit and see our new house.  They stayed for about an hour.  Keri wasn't feeling well, so she spent most of her time upstairs in the bathroom. 
Simon came to spend the night.  We have been having him sleep over on the nights his mom works, so he won't be home alone.  The move turned out to be more convenient for them, since his mom works at a house right around the block from us.  When she dropped Simon off, I invited her in to see our new house.  As we were walking down into the family room, I noticed, the ceiling was leaking.  I hurried and grabbed a bucket to put under it.  I was confused at how it was leaking there.  It was raining outside, but the bathroom and my bedroom are right above the family room.  So, the rain shouldn't cause an issue.  Roger was tired, so he was already in bed, asleep when I noticed it.  I looked around and tried to figure out how and why there was a leak, but I had no idea.  Simon's mom left to work, and I ran upstairs to wake up Roger.  
 The kids all sat on the couch in the living room, watching us as we tried to figure it out.  It wasn't the best end to our first day in our new house.  Roger turned off the water and ripped open the ceiling, trying to figure out where the water was coming from.  He thought it was from the toilet upstairs.  But, when we looked, we couldn't see any water or anything thing that looked wrong.  We were so frustrated and unsure of what to do.  Roger was especially frustrated, because we don't know the house that well, so figuring it out, wasn't easy.  After this experience, he got to know the house much better.  We ended up calling Daniel Francom (the previous owner) to ask him if he could help us figure it out.  He was really nice and came right over.  He knew immediately what it was.  He had experienced a leak there before, from the toilet and once from the bath tub over flowing.  We went upstairs and got a better look at the toilet.  One of the screws had been knocked loose and water from the tank was dripping behind the toilet and between the wall and the floor.  The water followed along a pipe in the wall and pooled up on the ceiling in the family room.  We are guessing the toilet got knocked lose when our friends were over earlier and she spent so much time in the bathroom.  She must have been leaning back against the toilet seat.  That's what causes the screw to get knocked loose and the water to start leaking.  It had been leaking for 4 to 5 hours, before it started to come through the ceiling down stairs.  We fixed the toilet, so it stopped leaking and now we get to fix the hole in the family room ceiling.  It won'e be an expensive fix, so that's good.  We felt bad about bothering Daniel Francom, but glad that he was so nice and understanding about it.  We definitely got more familiar with the house after that.

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