Friday, October 19, 2012

Tending the neighbor's dog - Octoober 18 - 19, 2012

Thursday and Friday - October 18th and 19th
Our next door neighbors went to Disneyland for a week and they asked us to babysit their dog.  The kids were so excited!  I was worried when we first went over their and the dog (Russell) ran upstairs and hid.  Russell didn't come down at all the whole time we were there.  He did that for the first 3 days.  Alissa was patient and kept trying to get him to warm up to her and finally, on the fourth day, he did.  Every time we went over there after that, Russell was happy to see us and especially Alissa.  Here are some pictures from a couple of our visits.  Brinley and Parker couldn't wait to go over there so they could jump on the trampoline.

 Parker had a pin holding his pants together.  He wanted to take it out so he wouldn't get poked while he jumped.  He insisted on taking it out while he was sitting on the trampoline.  He kept yelling at Brinley to stop jumping, but Brinley was oblivious and having too much fun. 
This is a classic Parker and Brinley moment.  Parker's upset because he wants things a certain way and Brinley is too busy having fun to realize how upset he is and how upset her playing around and ignoring him is making him feel.
I snapped the picture of Parker and immediately after turned to take a picture of Brinley.  She jumped in front of the camera and made this face.

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