Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Bet - October 30, 2012

Tuesday - October 30, 2012
Roger bet Alissa that she couldn't fall asleep before Parker every night for a week.  Alissa was sure that she could.  The deal was that if Roger won, Alissa had to give him all of her Halloween candy, but if Alissa won, Roger would give her $10.00.  I thought she was absolutely crazy to take this bet, because she always stays up really late, but she was positive that she could win and $10.00 was more money than she's ever had before.  She was very determined to win.  Parker almost always falls asleep right around 8:00 pm.  Alissa did an amazing job at going to bed and falling asleep before him.  She went to bed at 7:30 each night.  She was so close to winning.  The neighbors invited her to stay up and play night games.  She didn't want to lose the bet, but she really wanted to stay out and play.  She decided that she would come in at 8:00 (when I normally put Parker to bed), instead of 7:30.  Parker was super tired and fell right asleep that night.  Alissa was still winding down from the night games she had just finished playing.  She didn't fall asleep in time.  She was so tempted to fake sleep, so she could still win, but she decided to be honest.  Roger was never really planning to take all of her Halloween candy.  He chose a few of his favorites from her Halloween candy and that was it.  She was very relieved to not have to give him all her candy.  Here's a picture of Alissa asleep.  I took a picture of her in her room and then took a few steps over to take a picture of Parker and Brinley.  They were both still awake.  It is a rare thing for Alissa to be the first one asleep.

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