Friday, May 16, 2014

A Bubble Party With Brinley's Class - May 16, 2014

Friday - May 16, 2014
Let me just tell you, I do not enjoy being a room mother.  This is not the first time I've made this mistake.  When Alissa was in Kindergarten, I signed up to be a room mom and because my name was on the top of the list, I got to be the head room mom, which means, I'm in charge of calling and organizing things with the other room moms to help plan the activities that we are asked to do.  The first time I did it, I didn't enjoy it because, I still had 2 little ones at home and I was doing daycare, which made it really hard for me to plan and help at these class activities.  It was really stressful, but I fought through it and did it anyways, with the vow that I would never do that again.
At the start of this school year, I thought, well.... it wouldn't kill me to sign up and help in the kids' classes this year.  I don't have any little ones at home all day anymore and I'm only babysitting one little girl and it would be easy to bring her a long with me.  Also, I convinced myself that the kids would love it, so it was the right thing to do.  I had completely forgot how much I disliked it the first time.  So, I signed up.  There were a lot of room mom's in Parker's class, but only me and one other person signed up in Brinley's class.  I just happened to be on the top of the list in Brin's class, so I got stuck being the head room mom.  
As a room mom, we are required to plan 2 class parties a year.  We provide a treat, games, and an activity.  The head room mom in Parker's class was super motivated and decided that we needed to plan a party for every holiday and for the teacher's birthday.  That was definitely more than two parties.  I was not thrilled about that. I was kind of a stinker and avoided helping out at most of the parties.
I was the head room mom's in Brinley's class, so we only did two parties.  We did a Fall party and an end of the school year party.  The end of the school year party was because I realized a little too late that I hadn't planned a second party yet.  The first party I did with Brinley's class, we made a craft that left a big mess in the classroom.  I felt bad about that, so I tried to come up with something that wouldn't leave such a big mess this time.  The idea I came up with was to have a bubble party.  We would be outside blowing bubbles.  That way, the classroom wouldn't be such a mess.
I brought 5 or 6 buckets of homemade bubble solution, a container full of traditional, store bought bubble wands, a bag full of homemade snack bubble wands, and a container full of our big bubble wands that I made last week.  The kids had a lot of fun.  The other room mom wasn't able to make it, so it was just Brin's teacher and I helping the kids.  We spent the majority of our time trying to untangle the big bubble wands.  We'd get them fixed just in time for the kids to bring us more tangled wands.  While we were untangling wands, the kids started putting the bubble solution on each other, then on themselves.  The bubble solution had corn syrup in it, so all the kids were a big sticky mess by the time we finished.  The teacher sent them all inside to wash the bubble solution off, while we cleaned up all of the bubble stuff.  then we went to the classroom, where the kids got to have a cookie before the bell rang and they went home.  The other room mom is Brinley's friend, Onika's mom -Hollie.  She had been planning to help, but ended up getting sick, so she dropped the cookies off at my house before I left.  It was a bummer that she couldn't have been there to help, but such a relief to not have to worry about getting a treat for the kids.
Since, I was at the elementary school at until school got out, I wasn't able to pick Alissa up from school.  She wasn't sad about that, because that meant she'd get to walk home with Erin, who lives right across the street from the elementary school.  So, after school, we waited and played at the playground until Alissa got there.  Her and Erin took an extra long time walking home, but it was okay.  Brinley's friend, Onnika stayed after school and played on the playground with Parker and Brinley while we waited for Alissa.  Erin got permission to come and play with Alissa at our house, so we all piled in the truck to go home.  First we had to drop of Brinley's friend Onnika.  They were sad that Oni couldn't come to our house also, but Brinley was grounded, so it couldn't happen.
Erin got to stay for a late night.  After Roger left to work, their friend Sydney came over and she also got to stay for a late night.  Those were some pretty excited and happy girls.  You should have heard the squealing.  Anyways.... they all a lot of fun.

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