Monday, May 19, 2014

Parker's Birthday - May 19, 2014

Monday - May 19, 2014
Parker is 10 years old!  That is so crazy!  Time goes way too fast.  I can hardly believe that it has already been 10 years.
Since Joyce had to go to work in the morning, we decided to let Parker open his presents first thing.  That way Grandma would be there to enjoy the fun.  Parker was so excited and he loved everything he got.

After Parker finished opening his presents, Grandma said her good-byes and headed to work.  The kids played with Parker's new toys, while Roger took a nap and I took a shower.  Then we made some yummy Happy Birthday cupcakes.  We decorated them really simply.
 The kids played outside with some of Parker's new toys, while the cupcakes were baking.
Roger woke up so we went back to celebrating Parker's Birthday.  I realized that I forgot to bring candles, so that was a bummer.  We sang Happy Birthday to Parker then he pretended to blow out the candles and got a little fussy with his sisters for helping him pretend blow out the candles, because he wanted to do it by himself.
We ate the yummy cupcakes then cleaned up the house and got ready to go out and play.  We went to The Hollywood Connection.  Missy VanBibber, Linda, Elizabeth, Kristin, and Mathew all met us there.  It was so much fun.  We practically had the whole place to ourselves when we first got there.  The kids loved all of the rides.

Then we went upstairs and played in the arcade for a little bit.
When we finished playing, the kids used their tickets to buy themselves some treats.  After that, we went downstairs to play miniature golf.  That was my favorite part.  Linda was having bad luck.  A lot of times, the ball came back to her and landed in almost the same spot that she had started from.  That made me laugh a lot.  It was too funny!  Parker, Brinley, and Mathew played their own game of miniature golf.  They were ahead of us and finished much faster than we did.  We ended up getting a hold of Lizzy (who was still up in the arcade) and asking her to come and watch the kids while we finished.  She kept an eye on them while they rode the rides again.  They loved it!

At the end of the miniature golf course, the last whole has a prize for you if you get a hole-in-one.  I went first.  Before I hit the ball, I commented on how impossible it looked.  I was sure that I wouldn't be able to do it, but I went for it anyways...... and...... I won! Woo! Woo!  A ticket machine spits out a ticket telling you what your prize is.  I won a free scrambled dog at the little restaurant that they had in there.  It was really yummy.  I love free food!
After I finished my food and the kids finished riding the rides, we went skating.  Skating comes free with our pass of all passes, but it would have cost $2.00 a person if we roller-bladed.  So we just stuck with the roller-skating.  I'm not a very good roller-skater.  I'm much better at roller-blading.  Parker is also.  He really wished he had his roller-blades.  He still did really well.  He is good at stuff like this.  I had the funnest time watching Mathew try and skate.  He was really funny.  He fell a lot, but he didn't give up or cry once.  He just kept at it.  That was impressive, but it was also very funny to watch.
We were pretty tired after the roller-skating, so we decided to head home.  Linda brought a Birthday gift for Parker, but she left it in her van.  We walked out with Linda and Parker opened his gift.  He loved it!

Then we said good-bye to everyone, piled in the truck, and headed home.  Kids were all asleep by the time we got home.  We managed to get them all inside and in their beds.  It was a long day, but Parker had a really fun Birthday.

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