Thursday, July 17, 2014

A Crazy Week - July 12th -17th

This week did not go as we had originally planned.  Roger has been wanting to go camping, so we had planned to go camping on Monday night.  The plan was that we'd leave in the afternoon, set up camp in Logan Canyon (at campground near Tony Grove), explore the area, then sit around the campfire and relax for most of the night.  roger really wanted to stay up late sitting around a campfire.  Then in the morning we would eat, gather our things, and head to Bear Lake to spend the day on the beach, then come home that night.  It didn't go that way.  My friend, Laurie's (who passed away in 2012) husband passed away on Friday, July 11th.  He had cancer and he knew he was dying.  Because of the funeral and me needing to learn the song to sing at the funeral, we had to cancel our plans.  At first Roger, thought we could still go - We would just spend Monday at Bear Lake, camp on Monday night, then leave first thing in the morning and be back in time for the funeral.  I had been asked to sing a song, with some other ladies from the 6th ward, at the funeral. I was really not feeling up to going to Bear Lake and Camping, and after our first time of practicing the song, I knew I needed more time to practice.  So, we came up with another plan.  Roger really had his heart set on camping and the girls really didn't want to stay home all week.  They all really wanted to go out and play.  So, Roger decided to just take the kids and have a fun long day at Bear Lake, then stay up late sitting around a campfire in Logan Canyon where we had planned to camp.  I thought that was a good idea.  That way the kids and Roger still get to have fun and I have time to practice my song and I also have lots of time to relax by myself and scrapbook.  On Sunday night, Parker started feeling a little sick, so he decided to stay home with me.  so, it ended up being a Daddy daughter day.  The girls loved it!  They all had so much fun.  When they got home, they were all so excited to tell us their funny stories about their day.  Apparently Brinley was really funny when she went to the bathroom.  Roger said that Alissa was so talkative while they were sitting around the campfire.  He said that she talked 90% of the time they were sitting there.  He loved it and I'm sure Alissa loved it.  she loves to talk.  I was a little worried, since we hadn't discussed what time they would come home.  they were in Logan Canyon, so they had no cell phone service.  I didn't think they would stay out so late.  It was almost midnight and I still hadn't heard from them.  I was worried and kept wondering at what point to I call for help and send someone out looking for them.  Roger said they were having such a nice time and they just lost track of time.  He felt bad for being out so late.  They apologized for that when they got home.  I'm glad they had fun.

So... back to the sad stuff...When Laurie and Tom moved in across the street from us in 2008, I just never could have imagined how things would go.  They were good neighbor's and good friends to have.  I'm so sad that they are no longer with us.  I feel bad, because I kind of stayed away after I found out that Tom was sick.  I just felt like my heart couldn't handle anymore loss, so if I stayed away and wasn't close to the family at all, it might be easier to handle.  I was wrong.  Now I just feel guilty for not being a better friend and not being there for people.
Anyway, so on Saturday, I got a call from Suzee Deakin.  She asked if I would sing at his funeral.  she had a few other ladies from the ward that she would ask to sing also.  So, on Sunday evening, Monday evening, and in between the viewing and the funeral on Tuesday morning, we practiced our song.  The first practice we had on Sunday, was difficult.  I had a hard time learning the alto part, because it was a familiar song (I Need Thee Every Hour), with unfamiliar notes.  I took the music home after that and practiced it a lot, so I wouldn't feel like I was the ruining the song and making it sound bad.  The practices after that were great.  I was glad that I was able to figure it out. It didn't seem to be as big of a struggle for the other altos.
At the funeral, I did my best not to get to sad and cry before we sang.  I knew that if I cried once I wouldn't be able to control my emotions during the song.  When we first walked in the church, I walked over to get a program.  Then I saw Laurie's Mom.  I had to go and see her.  She gave me a big hug and started to cry really hard.  It was so hard for me to control my emotions, but I managed to keep it together.  I did pretty good through most of the funeral, just at the end, I couldn't keep the tears back anymore.  I just had to hurry out to the truck.  I don't like to be the overly emotional one.  I just don't handle funerals well.  I was a wreck at Laurie's funeral.  I felt like her family was there comforting me, when I was the one who was supposed to be there comforting them.

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