Saturday, July 19, 2014

Bear Lake With the VanBibbers - July 18th

Friday - July 18, 2014
Roger took a few hours off of work today so we could go meet the VanBibbers at Bear Lake.  Alissa didn't come with us this time, because she had already made plans to go with Sydney's family to Seven Peaks.  She was really excited to go.  She was our scout.  We have never been before, so it was Alissa's job to go experience it, then come back and tell us how it was.  She loved it!  She definitely thinks it is a place we will enjoy.  We need to try and get there soon.  We have the pass of all passes this year and we really need to use them.  The only problem is, that everything is so far away from us, it's been hard for us to use our passes.
Bear Lake was a lot of fun with the VanBibbers.  They brought fun floatie toys.  They brought a big island thing with seats in it and a big flip flop floatie.  We all went out on the island thing at first.  I was feeling a little motion sick.  I was getting car sick on the way there and I had a hard time getting rid of that yucky sick feeling.  I stayed off of the island for most of the time.  When I got on it, I really started to feel yucky.  so, I got back in the water.  The wind picked up a little and the wind and waves were making me feel sick and dizzy as I walked back to shore.  So, I ended up staying out of the water after that.  I felt better as I sat on the shore.  It was nice to sit and visit with Cindi for a while.  We don't get to see them very often.

 When we finished playing at the lake, we went with the VanBibbers to their family property to have a barbecue and relax.  It was very nice.  I really like it there.  They have a really nice view of the lake.  We brought a big watermelon with us.  It was so yummy and it really hit the spot.  We all ate a lot.  All that watermelon made the long drive home difficult.  We all had to go to the bathroom shortly after we left.  We stopped at the visiter's center and Bear Lake overlook to use the restroom, then we piled back into the truck to finish the drive.  Not long after we started driving again, Brinley said she had to go to the bathroom again.  Pretty soon, I realized I had to go also.  Roger also had to go.  It was hard to find a place to stop in Logan Canyon.  We knew where some bathrooms were, but Brinley was too scared to use those, so we all held it and hoped to make it to Logan before it was too late.  We made it to Logan and went straight to the Smiths to use the bathroom.  Brinley knew exactly where it was, since she had had the same experience the last time they came out of Logan Canyon.  The rest of the drive home was not so bad.  It was nice to get home.  we were tired.  The bummer was that roger still had to go to work.  He left to work as soon as we got home.  He just ran in, grabbed what he needed and headed out the door.  Alissa got home about a half hour after us.  I'm glad that we were all safe and that we were all able to have such a fun day.

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