Thursday, July 10, 2014

Playing at the Splash Pad - July 10, 2014

Thursday - July 10, 2014
We went to the splash pad today.  Brinley's friend, Onnika was going to meet us there at 11:00 am.  I ended up sleeping in this morning.  It was nice, but I woke up frustrated with myself because I had a lot to do before we went to the splash pad.  Since I slept in, I ended up having to work extra hard when we got back, so everything would be ready before Roger went to work.  So, Parker, Brin, and I ate breakfast, go t ready, then hurried over to the splash pad.  Onnika's mom kept sending us messages that they were running late.  She kept predicting times that she thought they would get there by, then when that time hit, she would have to text about what came up and made it so they hadn't left yet.  They ended up not getting there until around 12:40 pm.  In the time that we were waiting for them, Brinley and Parker played for a while, then Parker had an accident.  We came home, so I could drop Parker off at home and get the good camera (I was frustrated that I had forgotten it).  We made it back to the park shortly after Onnika and her family got there.  Brinley had a lot of fun playing with Onnika.


  1. I can't believe how big your kids are getting, makes me feel old ;) You guys are always up to somethkng fun!

  2. They are growing way too fast! They all seem to have their dad's height. Alissa is 11 years old (she'll be 12 next month) and she is the same height as me. It is crazy! We didn't used to go out and play very often. We mostly stayed at home. I always babysat, so the house was always crazy and busy with lots of kids. But, at some point it clicked in our brains that the kids are old enough now that traveling is much easier and they will be able to enjoy more things. After that, we started going out and about more. Then we moved to these town houses. We do not love these town houses! So, we never want to be home. That is why we are constantly going places. We call most of what we do adventuring, because we usually go out and explore new places, but we've been kind of lazy this last month and really enjoying Bear Lake. Anyway... hopefully we will be able to buy a house this winter and next year we can enjoy some nice relaxing days at home.
    Your kids are getting so big also. I loved that cute video you posted recently with your daughters tongue when she concentrates. That is so cute and funny! I miss you. We need to see each other again sometime. Problem is, I'm never out and about anywhere near where you live. Hopefully we will run into each other again sometime soon.
