Friday, April 8, 2016

More Pretend camping - April 8, 2016

Friday - April 8th
I was pretty exhausted after our last day of pretend camping, so I didn't plan to do this again for a while.  But, yesterday, when the kids and I were going through and unpacking our books (the last of the boxes to unpack from our move), we found a bunch of my bear attack books!  So, naturally, we had to play pretend camping again, so I could sit around the campfire and read my books.  It was a lot of work, but it was worth it.  This is the mess I have in my living room from unpacking.
The kids did their school work in the tent.
Alissa stayed home, because she got sick in the night.  She woke up feeling better though.
After lunch, it got really hot.  All the kids were begging me to set up a little swimming pool.  I told them to ask their parents.  All the parents agreed, so we set up the pools.

Roger came out and sat with us for a while.  He brought his sunflower seeds.  Alissa, Roger, and I sat around the fire pit eating sunflower seeds.  The neighbor girls, noticed us when they took a break from swimming and they all wanted to try some.  It was kid of fun sitting around the pretend fire, eating our sunflower seeds, all of us trying to spit the shell into the pretend fire.  It was nice.
I put the pools away around 4:00pm, so I could go in and make dinner for Roger.  As I was bent down emptying one of the pools, I heard Roger giggle.  I looked up and was face to face with him.  He was bent down and standing in the pool.  He made this mischievous face, then started splashing all the water on me.  The water was really cold!  It was funny how he laughed at himself before he did it.  Even then, I didn't see it coming.  We all had a good laugh over that.
Alissa's friend Erin came over to hang out for a while.  Alissa is always happy when Erin comes.  She really wishes that we lived closer to Erin.  They liked it best when they were next door neighbors.
After Roger left to work, we went back outside to sit by the pretend fire.  I taught the kids a fun craft.  They worked on their crafts, while I read them bear attack stories.

It was a big job cleaning it all up when we were done, but it was worth it.  We had a good day.
Brinley and Parker went across the street to our neighbor's house to sit around their real fire and play ghost in the grave yard with their friends, before they came in to go to bed.  Erin was able to come for a little while and they came inside to play Minecraft.

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