Monday, April 4, 2016

Our 'Fight Song' Music Video - April 4, 2016

Monday - April 4th

We worked in the yard a lot today.  While I was doing schooling with Parker and Brinley, Roger got a lot of the tree pruning done.  The trees are looking nice!  After school and lunch, Parker and I went out to help with the yard work.  Brinley went downstairs to play the computer for a little while.  We got a lot done.  The yard is looking nice.  But our yard is really big, so we still got a lot left to do.  I'm thinking for our homeschooling tomorrow, we will spend our time learning about gardening, so we can get things nice and how we want it out there.

After I picked Alissa up from school, Parker and Brinley came out to play with their friends.  Roger and I went out and visited for a while with our next door neighbors.  It was fun visiting with them.  We are really enjoying our new house and our neighborhood.  We love it here!
Yesterday, I prayed and asked Heavenly Father to help me find a way to make some money.  I don't want to go and get a job outside of the home.  I just need something that will give us a little extra income.  I've been trying to figure something out for a while now, and nothing is working.  I've been working on my crocheted hats, but nobody wants to buy a hat in the summer time.  I decided that I will just keep crocheting and build up my inventory for November and December (that's when my hat business is booming).  Anyway, back to my prayer.  I might have gotten an answer to my prayer today.  When I was talking to our next door neighbor, she said that she knew of someone in the ward who knew another person who is looking for a babysitter.  She told them that she would ask me if I was still planning to do daycare.  I'm not planning to do daycare, because the licensing process and having a big daycare seems like it will be too much too handle and will be too stressful and not good for me.  But babysitting 1 or 2 children for someone would be perfect for me!  It's like a tiny daycare with out all the hassles of licensing.  Plus, one of the children is a little baby.  Who doesn't want to snuggle a cute little baby all day?  Anyway, so I called the lady who had talked to my neighbor.  She said that it is a couple in our ward.  It sounds like they might have moved in to the ward around the same time we did, but I don't think I've met them.  She said that she would give them my information.  That would be awesome if it works out, but if not, I guess it was not the answer to my prayers like I thought and hopefully something else will come a long soon.

Back to the kids.  Eventually the kids got bored, so I pulled out my list of what to do when we're bored.  I started giving them ideas.  The idea they liked the most was to make a music video.  So, that's what we did.
These are the girls that live next door to us.  They were so cute and funny while we made the video.  Here are the few pictures I took during filming.

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