Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New Years! - January 1, 2019

Tuesday - January 1st

Today was a nice relaxing and lazy day.  My New Years Resolution is to vlog everyday.  I'm calling it 'the year of the vlog'.  So, every night, I will be on the computer editing videos.  Hopefully this will go well and I can keep this up.
So, I had a really hard time staying awake last night.  We didn't go anywhere since Alissa had to work and we needed to be available to pick her up when she was done.  She didn't know how late she'd be.  Luckily, she wasn't too late.  She got off work at 8:30 ish.  Brinley's friend Khloe came and spent the night.  Brinley and her had fun.  I feel bad that I wasn't more fun.  I ended up having a headache.  I made Roger go outside and walk with me.  I was hoping going out for a walk/jog would help to get rid of my headache, but it didn't.  It was way too cold outside and there was ice everywhere, which made it impossible to jog and difficult to even walk.  So, we walked around Meadow Park twice, then came inside.
I felt bad about gaining weight in October and November (because of some yucky medication I took to get rid of nail fungus), so I decided to try taking Phentermine again.  I took it during the first part of 2017 and it helped me lose a lot of weight.  I started taking it this week, but I don't think I will keep taking it.  This time round, I end up with a headache if I'm not active enough.  Which I think would be helpful in keeping me active, but it's a pain in the behind to deal with a headache if I'm not successful.  Yesterday, I woke up and did an Insanity video.  That's a good and hard workout, but apparently, that wasn't good enough.  I think I have to exercise morning and night to keep the headache away.  I don't know.  I'm trying to decide if I'm okay dealing with that or not.  Also, I'm thinking maybe this medicine is too dangerous.  Maybe I've become allergic to it or something.  I don't know.  I can't decide what I'm going to do.  I didn't take it this morning, since I planned on being lazy all day.  I'm not sure if I'll take it tomorrow or not.  I haven't decided yet.  Anyway, that's why I had a headache yesterday.
I feel bad that I was dealing with a headache and not able to be more fun.  Normally, we run around sitting on the furniture and doing other things, yelling, "I was the last person to do....... in 2018".  After we've done everything we can think of in the house, it usually turns into, "I was the last person to pull this persons hair (or something like that) in 2018"  We don't hurt each other.  It's just fun and we aren't rough with each other.  It's just a funny stupid thing we do.  Then after midnight, we start all over again, yelling, "I was the first person to...... in 2019"
At the start of the night I had energy and I told the kids we should think of something funny to be doing at midnight, like I thought I would jump rope, so I could say I jumped into 2019.  But, that wasn't funny enough, so I told everybody to brainstorm and come up with something funny. Then I got super tired and I kept thinking maybe I will sleep into the new year.  I forced myself to stay awake for the kiddos.  Roger was getting really tired also.  He was frustrated because he was trying to stay awake all night and get back to his work schedule, since he had to work tonight.  
When the new year hit, Parker was asleep.  He always struggles to stay awake on New Years Eve.  Khloe and Brinley came into the living room and they were ready.  They had a funny idea.  They were acting like some of their favorite YouTubers and they were "Bra ing" into the new year.  It's like they were calling each other bro, but with more of an ahh sound instead of an ohh sound.  Anyway, it was funny.  I'm glad they thought of something funny.
Alissa and I had been sitting in the living room watching a New Years Eve thing, waiting for the count down.  We yelled for everybody when it was time to count down.  Brinley and Khloe came in doing their funny thing and Roger came upstairs to join us and give me my New Years kiss.  We counted down, then the kids opened the door and yelled, "Happy New Year.  We opened the blinds to see if we could watch any of the fireworks that people were lighting.  We couldn't see much.  Earlier, when Roger and I had gone walking, we saw some fireworks that were being lit at the end of the street.  But we couldn't see the ones lit at midnight.
It was a pretty good night, even though I had a headache and I was tired.

This morning, I woke up and recorded a little with Khloe and Brinley, then I fixed me some cereal and came down to the family room to watch some TV with Roger.  We watched 'America in Color'.  That's a really interesting and fun show.  I started to fall asleep after a while, so Roger suggested we go up to our room and take a nap.  I liked that idea, so that's what we did.  I slept until 1:30pm and Roger slept until 2:00pm.  It was nice.  I woke Alissa up after that.  She had been in been all day and hadn't woken up yet.  She was surprised when I told her what time it was.  She had planned to wake up earlier, so she could get her laundry washed, since she had to work.  So, we had to quick wash her work clothes, so they would be ready in time.
After I took Alissa to work, Roger asked if I wanted to go do something today.  I said  I did, so we got ready and headed to Logan.  We decided to go to The firehouse Pizzeria.  I skipped dinner and went straight to dessert. Normally I order a meal, then I'm too full to get dessert.  They have a really yummy dessert there, called a Fuzookie.  I love it so much, but rarely get it.  This time I was smart. Lol!  Roger ordered a calzone.  It was all yummy.  After that, we went to the mall to exchange the lotion I bought at Bath and Bodyworks.  They had a really good deal before Christmas, but they didn't have the scent I wanted.  So, the lady suggested that I buy a different scent, then come exchange it, after Christmas, for the scent I want.  When we went to exchange it, they still didn't have the scent I wanted.  That was a bummer.  I think we will have to go to the Ogden mall, to make this work.  We also made a stop at Walmart to buy some cleaning supplies, then we headed home.
We stopped at Alissa'a work to remind her she needed to get off work early, since Roger had to go to work.  She said she would get off at 8:30.  When we headed home, we passed the Christmas light display that the city does.  We stopped to watch for a little bit.  I felt bad enjoying the show with out the kiddos, so we decided to come back at 8:30 when we get Alissa and enjoy the light show then.
We went back at 8:30 with Parker and Brinley.  Alissa called us right after we parked and said she was out of work and walking.  We told her where we were and she joined us.  The light show was really good.  They have added a lot of lights to their display since they started doing this and it's a lot of fun to watch.

Here is the Vlog that I made and posted tonight.

I realized that I hadn't taken any pictures of the decorating I had done after I got home from Linda's.  She gave me lots of fun arts and crafty stuff and things for decorating.  I was so excited to decorate.  Here are the pictures of what I did.

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