Saturday, September 22, 2012

Playing with friends and Hockey - September 22, 2012

 Saturday - September 22, 2012
Josey and Simon came over to be babysat today.  The kids were so excited!  When we lived on the other side of Tremonton, they were our across the street neighbors.  The kids really miss playing with them. Brinley's friend, Kaylie came over to play also.  They spent most of the time playing barbies and playing the Wii.  We went over to play at the park for a little while, that was when I thought to get the camera out.
Parker was really fussy and being a stinker.  He was mad that the girls wouldn't play wipeout with him.  It doesn't sound like a game the girls would have enjoyed.  Parker had a hard time calming down, so we ended up leaving the park earlier than planned.
 Alissa didn't play on the playground.  She was excited for an opportunity to roller blade while listening to the i-pod.  She came tromping across the grass in her roller blades to ask me a question. As she got closer, I took a super duper close up picture.  I love my Alissa.  She is such a cutie!  I feel that way about all my children.  I'm very blessed to have them. 
 Simon went and sat by the wall.  I thought it would make a great picture.  The first picture I snapped, was focused on the wrong person.  The second picture, the focus was right, but Simon was done looking at me.
 Roger had a hockey game tonight.  We love it when his games are on a Saturday.  That is the only time we can go and watch him play.  Here are the kids watching the game.  I don't think Parker sat down once.  He loves to run around and play on the chairs while the game is going.  He stops to watch every now and then, but he doesn't sit down.  Alissa and Brinley also did a lot of running around. Alissa got way more in to the game than she normally does, so that was fun.  There were two teenage girls there that were cheering really loudly and it made the game feel more exciting.  Brinley got really tired toward the end of the game.  she sat by me and kept saying, "I want to go home.  I want Daddy to stop playing so I can hug him."  she's a cutie pie.
 Here is my favorite of all the pictures I took that night.  I love watching Roger play hockey.  After the game, we were waiting outside of the dressing room.  When Roger came out, all the kids cheered, "Daddy! daddy!"  Then, almost at the same time, they all went, "Ewwww...."  That's when they noticed how sweaty Roger was.  It was so funny!

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