Thursday, September 27, 2012

Picture Day At School - September 27, 2012

Wednesday - September 27, 2012
I thought it would be fun if I could take some pictures of the kids before they went to school on picture day.  I had a plan to take their picture with the tree behind them.  The pictures were going to look so nice and professional and it was going to be great.  What ended up happening was.... somehow, I managed to silence my phone so none of my alarms woke me up.  So, we got a late start to our day.  I knew we'd be ready in time, if I just brushed the girls' hair and left it down.  Alissa was upset and didn't want to get out of bed.  She was in her room throwing a fit, while I helped Parker and Brinley find their clothes.  At this point, I still hadn't remembered that it was picture day, so I wasn't too worried.  I brushed Brinley's hair and sent her to find her shoes, and that is the moment that I remembered it was picture day.  I had Brinley come back upstairs so I could do her hair.  she complained about it the whole time.  Alissa was still in her room throwing a fit.  I fed Parker, Brinley and Alissa's Friend, Taleyah a quick breakfast, then it was time to leave.  Alissa still wasn't ready, so I had to leave her and take the others. We barely made it to school on time.  when I realized that I wouldn't be able to take any good pictures, I took a few of them while they were getting ready and eating breakfast.  Parker kept making faces or lifting his shoulders up.  He refused to look normal and smile.  Alissa was out of bed by the time I got home from taking the other kids to school.  I helped her get ready and took some pictures, then got her to school.  She wasn't too late and she didn't miss getting her picture taken.
 After school when Parker came out to the car, he told me that his back hurt.  He showed me his ouchy that he got.  I asked him what happened and he said that his teacher tipped him off of his chair and then the chair scratched his back. 
Parker can be a stinker at school and I know he is sometimes difficult to handle, but that just didn't seem right. Even if he was a stinker, that shouldn't have happened. We know that there are two sides to every story. His teacher has been really wonderful with him and it just didn't seem right. We called the school and asked if we could have a meeting with the principal and his teacher. They were both there and asked if we could come meet with them right then. So we hurried over to the school for the meeting. When we called, we wanted to make sure that we weren't coming to yell and scream about what happened. We couldn't believe that his teacher would actually do that, so we just wanted to find out what really happened and ask about how Parker usually does in school and if there is anything that we can do to help. His teacher explained what had happened and apologized for not sending a note home with him, explaining the situation. Parker had told us that he was sitting on his chair, with his knees up , his head between his knees, his eyes closed, and his fingers in his ears. He said that he didn't want to do what the rest of the class was doing and he didn't want to hear them.  Then his teacher came up  behind him, grabbed the back of his chair and lifted it up so it tipped him off.  Then she pushed the chair and it scratched hi back while he was on the floor.
His teacher said that he was on his chair doing what he had said he was doing, but his chair was in the middle of an isle where the other kids in the class were trying to get past him.  The kids kept telling him to move and they were the ones who tipped him off of his chair.
She said that he does really well in school, it's just at the end of the day, he gets tired and fussy and it's hard to get him to do anything.  She decided that she would give the homework assignments in the morning instead of at the end of class and she wouldn't have any busy work for them at the end of class.  I told her what he does at home to calm down.  He gets upset when there is too much noise and craziness.  He just can't handle it.  At home, he goes to his room and listens to his music to help him calm down.  We decided to burn a copy of his favorite CD and send it to school with him.  If he loses his temper and needs to calm down, she agreed to let him listen to his music.
I'm glad we were able to talk about things and come up with some ideas to help Parker.
Later that evening, his teacher called me to apologize.  She said that she was thinking about it after we left and trying to figure out why Parker had thought that she was the one that hurt him.  She remembered that after he was off of his chair, she tried to push it in, so it wasn't in the isle anymore.  She's pretty sure that is when it scratched his back.  she felt really bad about it and asked me to explain to Parker and let him know that she was really sorry.

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