Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012

Wednesday - October 31, 2012
The kids got to wear their Halloween costumes to school this year.

We went trick-or-treating with Brinley's friend, Bethany.  She lives in Fridal Heights.  The kids had fun, but they didn't seem as excited as they normally are when we go trick-or-treating.  There was somebody dressed up like a creepy clown, carrying a knife and waundering around the neighbor hood staring at everybody.  It was really freaky.  I was very scared, but I played it cool so the kids wouldn't freak out.  I really didn't like it. 
After trick-or-treating there, we decided to go to our old neighborhood.  The kids were so excited!  They had a lot more energy and were as excited as they normally are on Halloween.  This was our first Halloween since we moved.  The kids really miss our old house.  They talk about it all the time.  Our first stop when we got there was at the Beverly's house to see if we could find Erin and go trick-or-treating with her.  We've gone trick-or-treating with them every year since they moved in.  Erin had already left, but I knew their usual route, so it didn't take us long to find them.  Trick-or-treating was so much better after we found them and everything was how we were used to it.  Change is really hard.  I wonder what we'll do next year.  I wonder if we'll head over to the old neighborhood again.
Here's a few pictures of the kids after we got home from our trick-or-treating fun.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Bet - October 30, 2012

Tuesday - October 30, 2012
Roger bet Alissa that she couldn't fall asleep before Parker every night for a week.  Alissa was sure that she could.  The deal was that if Roger won, Alissa had to give him all of her Halloween candy, but if Alissa won, Roger would give her $10.00.  I thought she was absolutely crazy to take this bet, because she always stays up really late, but she was positive that she could win and $10.00 was more money than she's ever had before.  She was very determined to win.  Parker almost always falls asleep right around 8:00 pm.  Alissa did an amazing job at going to bed and falling asleep before him.  She went to bed at 7:30 each night.  She was so close to winning.  The neighbors invited her to stay up and play night games.  She didn't want to lose the bet, but she really wanted to stay out and play.  She decided that she would come in at 8:00 (when I normally put Parker to bed), instead of 7:30.  Parker was super tired and fell right asleep that night.  Alissa was still winding down from the night games she had just finished playing.  She didn't fall asleep in time.  She was so tempted to fake sleep, so she could still win, but she decided to be honest.  Roger was never really planning to take all of her Halloween candy.  He chose a few of his favorites from her Halloween candy and that was it.  She was very relieved to not have to give him all her candy.  Here's a picture of Alissa asleep.  I took a picture of her in her room and then took a few steps over to take a picture of Parker and Brinley.  They were both still awake.  It is a rare thing for Alissa to be the first one asleep.

Monday, October 29, 2012

A Hockey Game, Bone Family Halloween Party, and a Haunted House - October 27- 29, 2012

Saturday - October 27, 2012
We were planning to go to Salt Lake tomorrow to attend the Bone Family Halloween party, but we decided to go a night early because........ Rebecca VanBibber got us free tickets to a Grizzlies game!  Roger's mom watched the kids while Roger and I went to the game.  It was so much fun!  We had the best seats!  I loved it!  We were on the front row very close to a lot of the action.  It was too much fun!  We took a picture of us while we were waiting for the game to start.  We are super cool!
Sunday - October 28, 2012
We spent the night at Roger's mom's house then went to church with her in the morning.  After church, it was time to get ready and go to my family Halloween party.  I realized that I forgot to bring our costumes.....  So we decided to be creative.  We decided that Roger could go as a hockey fan and wear his shirt and hat that he bought at the game the night before and the kids and I would go as dorks.  We just made our clothes look funny and we wore funny makeup.  The costumes weren't great but I knew that we would get a laugh out of everybody when we got there.
Here we are getting ready to leave Grandma Moser's and head to Aunt Linda's house.

 The party was lots of fun.  There was lots of yummy food, we played Bunco, there was a costume contest and prizes for the winners of Bunco.  I came close to winning a few times, but managed not to win anything.  I tied 3 times and had to roll the dice to see who won.  I lost each time.  Roger won at Bunco.  He won a pet ghost.  Alex also won a pet ghost, but he didn't like it, so he gave it to Brinley.  Brinley was so excited.

 Brinley and Mathew had a lot of fun playing inside Missy's Halloween costume.

Monday - October 29, 2012
Jenny Springman (my good friend from High School) came to visit for a week.  While she was in town, we planned a get together.  We invited our other High School friends to meet us at Ice Burg then go to a Haunted House.  Ice Burg was a place we went to regularly when we were in high school.  It was so fun to see everybody again.  I didn't take any picture while we were at Ice Burg.  I forgot to bring my camera.  They took our picture at the haunted house.  Everybody didn't come to the haunted house with us.  The haunted house was so fun and so scary.  I hadn't been to a haunted house in over 10 years.  The haunted house wasn't like they used to be.  They had a lot more things that messed with your mind.  There was a part that looked like you were on a cliff.  when you started to go past it, the wall starts to move and push you toward the edge.  The other craziest part was when you come to a dead end where it looks like two bounce houses are smooshed together.  You're not sure if you should push your way through or not.  It was pretty scary not knowing where we were going and if we would make it out.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Trick-or-Treating Downtown - October 26, 2012

Friday - October 26, 2012
Heather Crozier and her kids were going to come trick-or-treating with us.  I took the kids out of school early to make sure we'd be ready when they got to our house.  When I went to get the kids, the secretary asked what was going on.  She said that a ton of parents were pulling their kids out of school early that day.  I just thought it was funny that so many of us did that.
 Brinley could hardly wait for them to get to our house so we could leave.  As soon as she was all dressed she started watching and waiting by the window.
Brin's mad that they are not here yet and Parker is showing me that he has two heads.
  Heather called and we decided to just meet at Midland Square.  Here's a few pictures of all of the kids together.

  Before we started our trick-or-treating we played in the bounce house.

 Heather had to leave, so we trick-or-treated down one side of main street with her, then we trick-or-treated on the other side of the street with some other friends.  We ended up running into Carrie Howard (we used to babysit her boys, Damien and Conner).  It was hard to get a good picture while they were trick-or-treating.

 Before we headed home Parker wanted to have a chance to go down the big slide.  There was such a long line, it took a long time for him to get his turn.