Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Cake Decorating - April 8, 2015

Wednesday - April 8th

Alissa's friend Tonya got to come and play today.  Her dad passed away in November and her aunt (who takes care of them now) hasn't let her play with friends since than.  But she finally got to come and play today!  We have missed Tonya.  She is one of Alissa's nicest friends.   It was really good to get to see her again.

I made a list of things to do, so when the kids get bored, they check the list for ideas.  Alissa and Tonya found 2 things from the list that they wanted to do.  They wanted to make and decorate small cakes and build a fort outside.  I helped them out and baked the cakes, while they built a small fort outside.  They had fun outside in their fort until the neighbor kids found them.  The fort wasn't big enough for all of the kids, so they had to put it away.
 The caked were ready to go shortly after they came in from their fort.  Brinley, decided that she didn't want to decorate her cake.  She just wanted to eat it.  She thought it would be fun to just stick her face up to it and eat it.  She was being really goofy.  She loved her little cake and ate it all.
 I gave Alissa and Tonya some cake decorating books to look through to get ideas and to learn the different designs that each icing tip makes.
 Finally, we got everything ready and the decorating could begin.
 Parker decorated a cupcake.  He sprayed it with the purple food coloring, but he got carried away and over sprayed it.  It still looks pretty yummy.  He did good.
 Here's Tonya's cake all finished.  Tonya's aunt only lets them eat organic food, so she knew she wouldn't be able to take her cake home with her.  So, we cut into and ate our cakes as soon as we finished decorating them.  Of course, we didn't finish all of the cake.  We have a lot of cake left over.  It is yummy stuff though.

 Alissa was almost done with her cake when she decided to spray the top with purple.  She thought it would look really cool, but she was not impressed after she did it.  She felt like she ruined her cake.  I think it still looks good, but that's why she has a frowny face in her pictures with her cake.  She wasn't really upset, she was just being goofy.
 I've been cleaning out my bedroom and packing things to take to the storage unit.  I found my accordion.  I miss playing the accordion.  So, we pulled it out to play for a little while.  Parker really wanted to try it.  He liked it, but it is heavy and hurt his shoulders, so he didn't play it for very long.
I had fun playing it for a little while, before I had to get Roger's lunch ready and wake him up so he could go to work tonight.
After Roger left to work, Sydney came over to play.  Alissa and Sydney looked at my list for ideas of things to do.  They decided to reenact something they've seen on YouTube.  They decided to do a skit they saw on Studio C.  They spent a long time preparing and rehearsing.  Then I was the camera man while they did it.  They went through it a few times so I could record from a few different angles.  I will spend time editing the video tomorrow.  They had a lot of fun.  I think they did a really good job.  A few times I accidentally laughed (the camera man is not supposed to laugh).  It is a funny little skit that they did.  I'll put a link on here to share the video as soon as I get it all ready.

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