Sunday, April 19, 2015

Sister's Fling - April 19, 2015

Sunday - April 15th
I went on a Sister's Fling this weekend with my sister-in-laws, Mother-in-law, and nieces on Roger's side of the family.  I planned it this year.  I'm so happy that it went well and I don't have to worry about it anymore.  We loved the house that I found for us to stay in.  It provided a nice place for us to relax and enjoy each other's company.
On Thursday night, as I was getting things ready to go, I decided to take a short break at the computer, before finishing up and going to bed.  I had a large glass of water sitting at the computer desk right in front of me.  As I was reaching for it to get a drink, my phone rang.  I decided to grab the phone instead of the cup and in the process, I knocked the cup of water onto my phone.  I quickly pulled my phone out of the water and shook it off.  It was still ringing and it was Roger calling, so I decided to answer it.  Roger had a hard time hearing me as I explained that I had just spilled water all over it.  He told me to take it apart and dry it off, then he would call me back.  He called back about 10 minutes later.  He could hear me better that time.  I hoped that my phone was going to be just fine.  As I climbed into bed, I decided to turn my phone off for about 5 minutes then turn it back on.  When I hit the power button, it said that it was downloading something and do not turn off your device until download is complete.  It kept going and going and going.  I wanted to take out the battery and just shut it all down, but I was afraid.  I wasn't sure if I would be ruining it or not.  I couldn't call and ask anybody for advice, since I have no other phone.  I was so frustrated.  I needed my phone because I use it as my alarm clock in the morning.  I ended up steeling Alissa's alarm clock from her room and setting that for me.  I plugged in my phone and left it
downloading as I fell asleep.
Alissa'a alarm doesn't work.  I didn't know that until Friday morning when I slept in because the alarm didn't go off.  I woke up to the sound of Roger coming home.  The kids weren't thrilled about having to wake up quickly and rush to get ready for school on time.  I felt really bad about that.  I didn't like sending the kids to school when I could tell that weren't happy.  It was especially a bummer since I knew that I wouldn't be home when they got home from school.  I don't like saying good-bye on such a sad note.
Anyway, I got the girls off to school then Parker, Roger, Brian, and Delany drove me to the Frontrunner.  I knew it was going to be really frustrating trying to find Missy VanBibber after I got off the train, since I didn't have anyway to call her and I had never gotten off on that stop before.  On the drive to the Frontrunner, Roger called Missy.  I overheard her telling him to tell me to walk to the road.  When I got off at my stop, I was extremely frustrated because there were multiple roads that I could have walked to.  I had no idea what road she meant.  My stuff was heavy and I walked around looking for a long time.  eventually, I found someone who let me us their phone and I called Roger.  I was angry and told him to tell Missy that I was going to sit with my heavy bags in the parking lot and I wasn't going to budge from that spot until she came and found me.  I was really frustrated at that point.  So, I went and sat down to wait.  Roger called Missy.  She was running late and didn't know how to get to the parking lot.  Eventually they found it.  As they drove up, Melissa stuck her head out the window, waving her hands, and yelling, "Over here Jenny!  We're here!"  It was kind of funny.  I got in the car, called Roger on Missy's phone, then vented to Missy, Becca, and Melissa for a little bit.  I let out one frustrated scream, then told them I was better, so we could go play.
We went to Gateway to walk around and see the sites.  We went to a few stores.  I didn't have my phone or camera, so I don't have any pictures to show for it.  Missy and Becca said they would send me the pictures they took.  I will add those when I get them.  We went to the blue Lemon Restaurant to eat.  The Blue Lemon is a clean eating restaurant.  I was turned off by pretty much everything on the menu.  Luckily they let me eat off of the kids menu.  I had a yummy grilled cheese sandwich for $5.00 instead of spending $10.00 - $15.00 on a yucky looking burger or salad (the only 2 things on the menu that I considered eating).
Went to another store after that, then headed to Midway to the house.  We stopped by the cheese factory before we called the guy to let us in the house.  I got some really yummy ice cream.  I love ice cream.
We thought the house was fun.  While we were waiting for the others to arrive, we sat around and talked.  We joked about how it was Missy and Becca's job to protect me (because I told the guy who rented to use that there were just us four girls all alone) and it was Missy and Becca's job to take care of us.  Melissa explained to them that we should not have to do any dishes, make beds, etc.  It was funny.  Then we tried out the pool table and hot tub.
This was a really fun house to stay in.
  Caroline, Rachel, and Cindi came.  Caroline had brought soup for our dinner that night, but it ended up spilling all over in the trunk of her car.  She felt bad and was really frustrated to not have as much soup to serve us.  Some of the soup survived, but not enough.  We ended up going to the local Ridleys where Caroline was able to buy some more soup for us.  Joyce came shortly after we got back from the store.  We ate the yummy soup, then sat around playing games and laughing.  We played 'The Game of Things'.  It was a really funny game.  One of the things was, "Things you can't believe somebody would do."  I was going to write, "Drop a cat down the out house toilet.", but I thought it through and decided that, maybe I shouldn't make fun of Roger's mom.  So, I wrote something else.  But the funniest thing happened.  As they started reading through the comments, we were surprised to hear that 3 people had had the same idea as me.  3 people wrote about throwing a cat down the out house.  We all had a good laugh at how many of us thought of that.  I explained how I had started to write it, then scribbled it out and wrote something else.  We had a fun night.  After the games, some of us went downstairs to play pool and watch a movie.  That was fun.
Jeanne came really late (after midnight).  She had to stay late at work.  It was nice to know she had made it.  We were all really tired by that point, so we
all went to bed.  
Saturday, we went sight seeing.  Joyce showed us around Midway, then we went shopping and went out to eat.  After that, we went back to the house to relax.  We had a lot of fun relaxing in the hot tub, playing pool, watching movies, playing games, and just talking.
Roger sent me some pictures of the fun he and the kids were having.  They went to Willow Park Zoo in Logan.  After looking at the animals, they played on the playground for a little while.  The kids all said they loved it.  They want to go again with me.  I texted a message to Roger reminding him that Parker had been to that zoo before when he was in first grade.  That was where they had gone on their class field trip.  roger said, that Parker's response to that was something about that must be when I learned to speak monkey.  When they got to the monkeys, Roger told Parker to communicate with them.  He tried.  Roger said they all had fun and a good laugh over the monkey talk.

 Sunday morning, Cindi, Caroline and Rachel left early.  Missy, Joyce and Jeanne went to church.  Roger and the kids came to get me.  Tyler rode his motorcycle to pick up Melissa.
Parker and Brin soaked in the hot tub for a little bit.  Then we took turns playing pool and Foosball.
We ate lunch when they returned from church.  Then we cleaned up and played some pool, then left.
Roger brought our good camera with him, so I could finally take some pictures.  I took pictures of Parker and Brin in the hot tub, then a few pictures of the house.

 On the way home we went on a short hike.  Brinley said she was tired and didn't want to go, so I told her I would give her a piggy back ride.  She agreed.  It was not easy hiking with her on my back.  We got further and further behind everybody.  When we were getting way too far behind, Brinley said that she would walk so we could catch up.  We weren't prepared to do a big hike, so we weren't out for long.  After our hike, we headed home.  We were all tired and pretty much went straight to bed.

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