Thursday, April 30, 2015

Haircuts - April 30, 2015

Thursday - April 30th
Brinley really wanted her hair cut short again.  I was going to take her to a salon in Brigham, but I kept putting it off.  She was getting frustrated and wondered why I wouldn't just cut it for her.  I'm not great at cutting hair.  I have no training.  So, I really didn't want to cut it for her this time.  But, she was so frustrated and I didn't know how long it would be before we would get a chance to go and get it done, so I gave in and told her I would cut it.  I watched a few you tube videos for inspiration, then the cutting began.  I think it turned out alright.  She really loves it, so we are both happy now.  
 Alissa decided that she wanted her hair cut also.  She said she just wanted a trim, then she showed me how much to trim off.  It was about 5 inches.  So, I cut Alissa's hair also.  Her hair was really long, so 5 inches really wasn't that big of a difference for her.  She was happy with the end results also.
 The schools and Bell Photography do this mean thing each year to make you buy their pictures.  I really don't like it.  They take pictures, then send the kids home with the expensive packet with all the pictures in it.  You either return the pictures to the school so they can throw them away or you keep what you want and send money to the school to pay for them.  The reason I hate this so much is because the kids get all excited about their pictures and they whine and cry begging you to keep them, or they lose them.  It's just an added stress that I'd rather not deal with.  I usually copy the picture then send the package back to the school.  I just think it is not a nice way to do business.  I think, even if I had the money and we wanted the pictures, I wouldn't buy it, just because of the way they do things.  I don't like feeling pressured or forced into buying something.  I always walk away from those kinds of situations.  That's part of my issue with Apple products.  I think they are an evil company.  They have good stuff, but you have to get everything through them.  They don't offer anything for free.  They'll say something is free, but then you realize you can't get it or use it unless you have paid for another one of their products to make it work.  Anyway, I didn't mean to get off topic.  Here is Brinley's 2nd school picture this year.  She is a cute girl!

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