Monday, April 25, 2016

A Different Version of an Old Hat - April 25, 2016

Monday - April 25th

Someone ordered this monster hat on my Etsy shop, but they asked to have it made in navy blue and red.  I really don't love the way it looks in these colors, but hopefully the person who ordered it will.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Bear Lake - April 23, 2016

Saturday - April 23rd

Linda and Dave had to deliver some wedding stuff to a house near Bear Lake, so they decided to go in their motor home and spend the night.  I was so excited to finally get a chance to go to Bear Lake with them.  But, it was as fun as I dreamed, due to the weather.  It was cold and rainy.  I had really been hoping and daydreaming about a day on the beach.  I knew the water would be cold, but I still thought it would be warm enough that we could put our feet in and chill on the beach.
When Roger woke up, we left to go and meet them.  They were just chillin' in the motor home, waiting for us.  We visited for a little bit, then they called around and found a place to park for the night.  We went to the RV park with them and hung out for a while.  The kids had fun playing on the little playground for a little bit with their cousin Mathew.  After eating some dinner and watching a movie, we decided to walk around the campground.  Then we decided to start a fire and sit around the fire for a little while.  That was fun.  I'm still really bummed that it wasn't warm enough to hang out on the beach, but I guess I'll get over it eventually.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Slip N Slide - April 21, 2016

Thursday - April 21st

The last time I made a big bubble for us to play in, I used black plastic sheeting.  I though it would be fun, because we could take glow in the dark stuff in there and have a dance party.  It wasn't as fun as I imagined it to be.  I think I will stick with the clear bubbles from now on.  Anyway, so I had the black plastic sheeting from our last bubble sitting around.  I decided to use it to make a really fun and big slip n slide.  We had a lot of fun playing on the slip n slide today.  I am really loving our large yard and the warm weather.  It is so nice to have all that space outside that is ours.  We don't have to share it with a ton of neighbors, like at the town house.  It is really nice to have our own space.  I love it.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Linda and Dave's Motor Home - April 10, 2016

Sunday - April 10th

Yesterday, our niece, Aurora got baptized.  We were late getting there.  We missed all of the talks, but were there in time to see her get baptized.  So, that was good.  After the baptism, we went to Tyler and Melissa's house for some lunch and a get together with family.  It was nice to see everybody.  The kids had a lot of fun playing with their cousins.
When we finished there, we followed Missy home, so we could see her new house.  She has a nice house.  I'm excited for her.
We left from Missy's house to go to Lehi, where Linda said she would pick me and the kids up, so we could spend the night at her house.  My dad was the one who came and got us.  Roger dropped us off because he had plans to go hang out with his friend, Dan.  The drive to Linda's with my dad was nice.  We had a good conversation and he drove us past the Timpanogas temple.  The kids have been asking to see it, because that is the temple that Roger and I got married in.
When we got to Linda's, the kids ran outside to play and jump on the trampoline and I stayed inside and enjoyed the yummy steaks they had made for dinner.  They were really good!
We had a fun weekend.  I love to hang out with my sister.  We had a lot of fun talking and watching movies.  Linda is doing weight watchers right now, so she didn't pig out on lots of treats with me, but she had lots of treats and junk food she wanted me to eat, so she didn't have it in her house anymore.  I was happy to do that for her.  It was a yummy weekend filled with lots of unhealthy food for me.  I enjoyed it.  While I was there, she taught me about weight watchers and how it is working for her and Dave.  She gave me some good advice and ideas on how to get started.  Roger and I plan to start tomorrow.  I'm not really excited about starting a diet, but roger really wants to and he doesn't want to do it alone, so that's why I will be doing it also.  I promised myself to never diet again, but I'm breaking my promise so I can be supportive of Roger.  Last weekend, Linda and Dave came over for a little visit and while they were here, Dave had told Roger about weight watchers and how it was working for them.  As soon as they left, Roger started talking to me about it and how he wants to do it.  He had been talking to me about how he wants to loose weight, before they came and told us about weight watchers, so I wasn't surprised.  After talking to Linda about it yesterday, I'm feeling better about it.  I think it will be a really good thing for Roger and I.  So, we are going to start tomorrow.
Linda and Dave got a motor home.  It is so nice!  I'm so excited for them!  I couldn't wait to see it.  I was terrible at taking pictures all weekend.  I normally take a ton of pictures, but I just didn't think about it until the end of our weekend.  On the way home, is when I finally thought to take some pictures.  Linda and Dave drove us home in their motor home.  It was so nice.  I love traveling that way.  It was so comfortable.  At the start of the drive, we finished watching a movie we had started watching before we decided it was time to go home.  It was a movie called, Celine.  It was about Celine Dion's life.  It was interesting.  I liked it.  I mostly liked that the drive went faster while watching tv and I was happy that it didn't make me car sick to sit and watch it.  I took a few pictures of us on the drive home.

On Friday night, Linda and Dave picked up their friends and went in the motor home to Wendover.  Linda won $1000.00!  She was super lucky.  I just thought that was exciting, so I had to share.  Also, Linda was super nice while we were there and she gave Kristin some money to take Alissa dress shopping.  They only went to one store.  Alissa found one dress she liked.  It is cute.  I'll have to get a picture of her in it at some point.  They weren't out shopping very long, because Kristin ended up having to go in to work.
Roger said he had fun hanging out with Dan.  They didn't get to spend a lot of time playing their game, like they had planned, because they were too busy dealing with work stuff at Dan's shop.  Roger didn't stay the night.  He went home on Saturday night, because he didn't want to miss church.  He needed to be there to teach the lesson.  He left to go home around 1:00 in the morning.  After he got home, he went to bed, then he woke up and went to church.  As soon as he got home from church, he ate some food, then went straight back to bed.  He said he pretty much slept the whole time we were gone.  He was really tired, because he worked all of Friday night, then only had a few hours of sleep before he had to get up to take us all to the baptism in Salt Lake.
Also, Roger's friend, John, texted him yesterday.  Roger's brother, Todd was in his class at church and had just introduced himself as a visitor.  So, John texted Roger to let him know that his brother was in his ward today.  They were able to figure out that John lives near Tyler and Melissa and is in their ward.  so, next time we go and visit, we will stop by and visit Roger's friend, John.  I can't even picture who he is right now.  It's been driving me nuts.  I know I've met this friend before, but I can't think who he is.

Friday, April 8, 2016

More Pretend camping - April 8, 2016

Friday - April 8th
I was pretty exhausted after our last day of pretend camping, so I didn't plan to do this again for a while.  But, yesterday, when the kids and I were going through and unpacking our books (the last of the boxes to unpack from our move), we found a bunch of my bear attack books!  So, naturally, we had to play pretend camping again, so I could sit around the campfire and read my books.  It was a lot of work, but it was worth it.  This is the mess I have in my living room from unpacking.
The kids did their school work in the tent.
Alissa stayed home, because she got sick in the night.  She woke up feeling better though.
After lunch, it got really hot.  All the kids were begging me to set up a little swimming pool.  I told them to ask their parents.  All the parents agreed, so we set up the pools.

Roger came out and sat with us for a while.  He brought his sunflower seeds.  Alissa, Roger, and I sat around the fire pit eating sunflower seeds.  The neighbor girls, noticed us when they took a break from swimming and they all wanted to try some.  It was kid of fun sitting around the pretend fire, eating our sunflower seeds, all of us trying to spit the shell into the pretend fire.  It was nice.
I put the pools away around 4:00pm, so I could go in and make dinner for Roger.  As I was bent down emptying one of the pools, I heard Roger giggle.  I looked up and was face to face with him.  He was bent down and standing in the pool.  He made this mischievous face, then started splashing all the water on me.  The water was really cold!  It was funny how he laughed at himself before he did it.  Even then, I didn't see it coming.  We all had a good laugh over that.
Alissa's friend Erin came over to hang out for a while.  Alissa is always happy when Erin comes.  She really wishes that we lived closer to Erin.  They liked it best when they were next door neighbors.
After Roger left to work, we went back outside to sit by the pretend fire.  I taught the kids a fun craft.  They worked on their crafts, while I read them bear attack stories.

It was a big job cleaning it all up when we were done, but it was worth it.  We had a good day.
Brinley and Parker went across the street to our neighbor's house to sit around their real fire and play ghost in the grave yard with their friends, before they came in to go to bed.  Erin was able to come for a little while and they came inside to play Minecraft.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Water Fight - April 7, 2016

Thursday - April 7th
Brinley and her friends were bored, so they decided to have a water fight.  We got a bunch of little squirt guns from Linda at the last family get together.  So, that's what they used for their fight.  They had a lot of fun.  I was super comfy sitting on the bench seat by the window.  I love sitting there and relaxing in the warm sun.  It is so nice!  Anyway, I was too comfy to go outside and take pictures of them, that's why all of the pictures I took, were taken through the window.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Playing Camping in the Backyard - April 5, 2016

Tuesday - April 5th

All the kids were feeling bored in the afternoon after Alissa got home from school.  Alissa came outside to hang out and I really didn't want her to go back in.  She doesn't hang out with us very much anymore.  So, I had to think of something fun, to keep her outside.  I decided that we should play pretend camping.  We set up camp.  Autumn (our neighbor) helped me get everything set up.  She was a big help.  Alissa didn't stay outside for too long before she was bored and wanted to go in.  I think I teased her a little too much.  I just miss her hanging out with us.
Roger came out and we had a fire and roasted marshmallows.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Our 'Fight Song' Music Video - April 4, 2016

Monday - April 4th

We worked in the yard a lot today.  While I was doing schooling with Parker and Brinley, Roger got a lot of the tree pruning done.  The trees are looking nice!  After school and lunch, Parker and I went out to help with the yard work.  Brinley went downstairs to play the computer for a little while.  We got a lot done.  The yard is looking nice.  But our yard is really big, so we still got a lot left to do.  I'm thinking for our homeschooling tomorrow, we will spend our time learning about gardening, so we can get things nice and how we want it out there.

After I picked Alissa up from school, Parker and Brinley came out to play with their friends.  Roger and I went out and visited for a while with our next door neighbors.  It was fun visiting with them.  We are really enjoying our new house and our neighborhood.  We love it here!
Yesterday, I prayed and asked Heavenly Father to help me find a way to make some money.  I don't want to go and get a job outside of the home.  I just need something that will give us a little extra income.  I've been trying to figure something out for a while now, and nothing is working.  I've been working on my crocheted hats, but nobody wants to buy a hat in the summer time.  I decided that I will just keep crocheting and build up my inventory for November and December (that's when my hat business is booming).  Anyway, back to my prayer.  I might have gotten an answer to my prayer today.  When I was talking to our next door neighbor, she said that she knew of someone in the ward who knew another person who is looking for a babysitter.  She told them that she would ask me if I was still planning to do daycare.  I'm not planning to do daycare, because the licensing process and having a big daycare seems like it will be too much too handle and will be too stressful and not good for me.  But babysitting 1 or 2 children for someone would be perfect for me!  It's like a tiny daycare with out all the hassles of licensing.  Plus, one of the children is a little baby.  Who doesn't want to snuggle a cute little baby all day?  Anyway, so I called the lady who had talked to my neighbor.  She said that it is a couple in our ward.  It sounds like they might have moved in to the ward around the same time we did, but I don't think I've met them.  She said that she would give them my information.  That would be awesome if it works out, but if not, I guess it was not the answer to my prayers like I thought and hopefully something else will come a long soon.

Back to the kids.  Eventually the kids got bored, so I pulled out my list of what to do when we're bored.  I started giving them ideas.  The idea they liked the most was to make a music video.  So, that's what we did.
These are the girls that live next door to us.  They were so cute and funny while we made the video.  Here are the few pictures I took during filming.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Playing with Bubbles - April 3, 2016

Sunday - April 3rd

In between sessions of conference, we went outside to enjoy the nice weather.  I pulled out our old bubbles and the big sticks from last year.  The sticks were all tangled, so it took me a while to get them ready.  When we finally had them ready and we tried them out, we were so excited about how well our bubble solution worked.  It made the best bubbles.  I remember when I made the solution last year, that I read that the solution gets better the longer it sits.  Our bubble solution has been sitting for almost a year and it works awesome now.  Alissa told me I better make more and put it away for next year.  We usually run out, so I'm sure I'll have to make it a few times before next year, but I'll remember before we put the bubble stuff away for winter, to make more, so it will be extra fun next spring.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Conference - April 2, 2016

Saturday - April 2nd
Today was conference.  We had a nice relaxing day, except for the part where we had to walk around collecting donations for the scouting program.  I really don't like doing stuff like that.  I'm just terrible at saying no.  Before we did that, we took a little time to chill outside.  These are the Snap Chat pictures that Alissa and Brinley took today.

Friday, April 1, 2016

April Fools Day Fun - April 1, 2016

Friday - April 1st

The kids are older now and I knew they wouldn't enjoy any of my old silly pranks, so I had to come up with some new ones.  I also talked to the kids and encouraged them to come up with some of their own.  Here's my list of ideas.
My favorite one was the picture of me in the toilet.  I kept laughing as I was putting it together.  I knew Roger would be so surprised.  These are the pictures I had Brinley take.
This is my in the toilet creation.  Roger thought it was pretty funny.  I started laughing so hard when he came downstairs.  He was seeing all my funny pranks and he didn't fall for any of them, but something just struck my funny bone and I couldn't stop laughing.  It was a good time.  I love laughing like that.  Where you are laughing so hard, you have tears in your eyes and you just can't stop.
 Alissa played a prank on me.  She kept begging me to come and help her search on google for some good ideas for April Fool's Day pranks.  I was busy working on my own pranks, so I was getting fussy with her for not doing it herself.  I finally came down to the office to help her and she backed her chair out of the way so I could use the mouse.  I tried to search, but I couldn't find the arrow on the screen.  I was so frustrated, trying to figure it out.  Then I picked up the mouse to look at the bottom of it and see if something looked wrong.  That's when I saw the sign she used to cover the mouse and create the prank.  I totally fell for it!  The funny thing was that I had planned to play that prank on somebody else.  Being fooled by a prank I had planned to do and the way Alissa managed to pull it off, cracked me up.  I started laughing so hard.  It was hilarious!  I laughed a lot today.  I loved it!
I thought this was so funny.  Nobody fell for it, but every time I thought of it and imagined someone coming to the door and seeing it, I started to laugh.
 I wrote "find the Toenail" on the cupcakes we made to give to Sydney.  Sydney wanted to come and enjoy some of our April Fool's goofiness with us.

 Alissa playing with Snap chat again.  I love the funny faces you can make on Snap Chat.
Today is the day Malaiyah and Teirnynn's mom, Melissa, married Chaz. I thought it was funny to get married on April Fool's day.  I kept wondering if there was going to be some kind of funny prank.  The wedding was held at a fitness center and we were told to wear our gym clothes, but match their colors by wearing red, white, or black.  The only people invited were their family and a few friends.  We felt very honored to be invited and to be considered close friends.