Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Babysitting and Yard work - March 17, 2004

Wednesday - March 17th

The people who broke into some houses on our street got caught.  It turns out that it was some teenagers (the boy that lives across the street, on the corner, and his friends).  He just dropped out of high school.  It turns out that the house on the other side of us (the Archibald's) was also robbed.  They broke into 14 houses in our area.  I'm home all of the time, that's why they didn't come to our house.  I'm so relieved that they have been caught.  I was feeling so paranoid.  I was very nervous that somebody was going to try and break into our house also.

I babysat Shayden and Triston today.  We played outside for most of the time they were here.  Alissa, Shayden, and I ate breakfast, then went outside to play.  We stayed out there until Triston came home from school, then we came in for some lunch.  After lunch, Alissa, Shayden, and Triston all took naps.  I went outside and worked on the yard while they slept.  I raked up all of the pine needles.

I came in around 1:00pm and Alissa woke up.  Then we went in and woke Roger up.  Alissa started to get fussy and her whining woke Triston up from his nap.  So, Roger got up and took Alissa and Triston outside to play, so Shayden could finish her nap in peace.  Shayden woke up from her nap a little before her mom came to pick her up.  As soon as they left, we had to hurry and get ready to go to my Dr. appointment.

The Dr.'s office was crowded.  I've never seen them so busy.  Usually we are the only ones there.  so, we had to wait for a little while.  Everything looks good and Parker and I are doing fine.  I only have 10 weeks left of this pregnancy!  I'm so excited to have a new little baby!  I can't wait!  Every night I dream about having the baby.  Last night I dreamed that he was 2 - 3 weeks early.  He was very healthy and he was a really good eater.  I was excited about that, because it took Alissa a long time to be able to nurse.  She was premature and it was harder for her.  They wouldn't let her leave the hospital until she could do it.  that was frustrating.

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