Thursday, June 13, 2013

Redneck Waterbed - June 13, 2013

Thursday - June 13, 2013
We used the bubble to make our redneck water bed.  I was surprised at how well it went here.  We don't play over here, because the kids around here cause a lot of trouble.  I thought that we would set it up and end up with a ton of extra kids here.  Somehow we managed to be able to play with out the interruption of other children.  The four year old boy from next door was home, but he said he didn't want to play and just sat back and watched.  It probably would have been worse if his step sister had been there.
Parker was a stinker and popped the waterbed earlier than everyone wanted.  The girls all wanted to lay on it for a while, but they didn't get to do that.  They still had a lot of fun playing on it though.
While we were playing, Roger went to Ogden to pick up our computer and to get Shelley from the Frontrunner.  Shelley is coming to stay for two weeks, while her kids are at their dad's house for the month of June.  She felt like she needed a little vacation.  I don't think we are too much fun.  hopefully she won't get too bored while she is here.
Shortly after Roger and Shelley came back, we ate some cinnamon rolls, then the Dukes headed home.
This morning, before the Dukes came, Parker went outside to look at something he saw in the grass.  He came back in and told us that we can't go in the grass today.  He explained that they sprayed the grass and if we go in the grass, we will get sick and our thumbs will turn blue.  I asked him how he knew this.  He said that it is on the sign.  So we all went out to look at the sign.  The sign in the grass had a picture of a blue thumb and said Lawn Doctor.  I'm guessing that is the name of the company that takes care of the lawn here.  Parker is a funny boy!
Later in the day, Alissa found a blue marker and remembered the sign and what Parker thought it meant.  We had been in the backyard playing in the grass for a while, when Alissa came out with her thumb colored blue.  She went over to Parker and showed him her thumb.  She asked if his thumb had changed yet.  It was funny.  Parker was smiling.  He thought she was joking, but you could tell he wasn't quite sure.

I tried a new Cinnamon Roll recipe (I found on Pinterest) that uses vanilla pudding.  I loved it!  I think I'll be using it from now on.

Vanilla Pudding Cinnamon Rolls

½ cup Warm Water
2 Tbsp Active Dry Yeast
2 Tbsp Sugar
3 ½ oz pkg Instant Vanilla Pudding
½ cup Butter, melted
2 Eggs
1 tsp Salt
6 + cups Flour
1 cup Butter, melted
2 cups Brown sugar
4 tsp Cinnamon

In a small bowl combine water, yeast and sugar. Stir until dissolved. Set aside. In large bowl, take pudding mix and prepare according to package directions. Add butter, eggs and salt. Mix well. Then add yeast mixture. Blend. Gradually add flour; knead until smooth. Do not over flour the dough! It should be very soft but not sticky. Place in a greased bowl. Cover and let rise until doubled. Then roll out on floured board to 34 X 21 inches in size. Take 1 cup soft butter and spread over surface. In bowl, mix 2 cups brown sugar and 4 teaspoons cinnamon. Sprinkle over the top. Roll up very tightly. With knife put a notch every 1 1/2 inches. Cut with thread or serrated knife. Place on lightly greased cookie sheet 1 inch apart. Cover and let rise until double again.
Bake at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Remove when they start to turn golden (don’t overbake). Frost warm rolls with frosting. Use melted buttercream frosting.  Makes about 24 very large rolls.

*Freezable Recipe: After shaping the rolls and placing them on the baking sheet, cover with lightly greased saran wrap and a layer of tin foil. Store in the freezer. The night before you want to serve them take out the rolls and put them in the refrigerator. Let them thaw in the refrigerator. Take them out about 8-9 hours after being in the refrigerator and let them rise until doubled. Bake according to the recipe. (If you have less time, you can take the rolls out of the freezer and let them come to room temperature on the counter – about 4 hours, then let rise until doubled).

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