Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Hats - December 23, 2014

Tuesday - December 23, 2014
I woke up and quickly finished two hats that someone on Facebook had ordered.  she was planning to come and pick them up tonight.  She messaged me really late, that she had forgotten and would pick them up on Friday.  That was kind of a bummer, because, I could really use that money to help me finish up my Christmas shopping, but that's okay.  I'll get over it.  I have 3 more hats to finish tonight, so I can deliver them tomorrow.  Here are the hats I finished this morning.
Alissa's friend, Sydney, invited Alissa to go see the Hobbit with her as a Christmas gift to Alissa.  Alissa was so excited about that.  I dropped her off at Sydneys around 10:45 am.  She came home around 5:00 pm.  She said she had a lot of fun.
Roger had to work tonight.  This is his last night of work until January 6th.  That will be nice!  I love it when he doesn't have to work.  Although, I worry that he is going to get really bored during his time off.  We don't have money to go out and play, so I don't know what he'll be doing.
Since, Roger had to work, my friend, Heather came over to play.  She bought the complete series of 'Everwood', a show that was on tv back in 2003.  We both had seen a few episodes back when it was on and we have been dying to see the whole series.  She bought it.  There are 4 seasons.  She has been nice enough to share with me.  She comes over as often as she can, so we can watch a bunch of the episodes.  Brinley loves it, because she gets to play with her friend, Mikenna (Heather's daughter).  We make No-Bake Cookies (or Chocolate Oatmeal - as Heather calls them so they'll sound healthier) to eat and enjoy while we watch our show.  It's fun.
When I checked Facebook tonight, I noticed that our old neighbor from the house we rented on the south side of Tremonton, passed away.  He was only a year older than I am and he has a young family.  I feel so bad for his wife.  I don't know how he passed away.  It seems wrong.  He was so young and didn't seem to be unhealthy.

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