Friday, December 26, 2014

Playing With Our New Toys - December 26, 2014

Friday - December 26, 2014
Grandma stayed all day yesterday and again today.  It was so nice to have her here with us for so long!  We love having company.  Roger and his mom spent the morning in Logan.  roger wanted to look into getting a new phone, since his broke.  He sent his phone in a week ago, so they should have had it and he should have been able to get a new one, but it didn't happen that way.  for some reason, his phone has been sitting at the post office in Salt Lake for a week.  So, that was a bummer.  Hopefully they will send it soon.  After looking at phones, they went ice skating, then they stopped at the store before heading home.  I spent the morning scrap-booking.  I haven't scrap-booked in forever, because I have had nonstop orders for my crocheted hats that I have had to work on.  It was nice to be able to spend some time scrap-booking.  When roger texted to let me know they were on their way home, I got off the computer and cleaned the house as fast as I could.  Then I started taking down all of the Christmas decorations.  I always like to take it down and put it all away the day after Christmas.
While I was scrap-booking, Alissa was putting together one of her new puzzles.  She is so excited to have puzzles of her own that are bigger than 100 pieces.  Parker came in the kitchen also, he made a fun track with his cars.  He loves his hot wheels.
 Roger and his mom, stopped at a grocery store before heading home.  They got the stuff for us to make Meatball Hashbrown Bake and they got batteries.  Roger's mom surprised us by buying as some groceries while they were at the store!  I love surprises like that.  Food is the thing we always scrimp on.  We rarely have a refrigerator full of food.
Since, we have batteries now, the girls were able to charge and use their flutter-bye Fairies.  They were so excited to try them out.  Alissa's worked perfect, but Brinley's did not.  Her's barely came up out of the stand, then went shooting sideways.  We've gotten it to work a few times since then, but it still doesn't work as well as Alissa'a.  They are such a fun toy.  We all have had fun playing with these.  The girls were a little scared at first.  They are afraid of getting their hands hit by the wings.  Brinley has had her hands hit a few times and she really didn't like that, so she is a little afraid of it, but says she loves it.  Here is the video from our Flutter-bye Fairy fun.
 Brinley was being goofy and kept jumping in front of the camera every time I tried to take a picture of the Flutter-bye Fairy fun.

1 comment:

  1. You are such a fun Mom. Hooray for extra spending cash in the time of need. Your hats are beautiful!
