Monday, December 29, 2014

Fixed up Brinley's Doll Houses - December 29, 2014

Monday - December 29th
Brinley was feeling a little bored yesterday morning.  She came to me asking for ideas on what she could do.  I gave her ideas, but with everything I suggested, she said, "But I want someone to do that with me."  So, I asked if she wanted me to play barbies with her.  She said yes and we sat down to play.  I was noticing all of the things in her Barbie house that are broken or missing.  Then I remembered her little doll house that she likes to play Polly Pockets in.  It's sitting upstairs in my bedroom, broken.  It has been up there for at least 2 months now.  So, we decided to fix her barbie house and make some new things for it.  That's how I spent my whole day yesterday.  I had to glue and tape the broken floor in the little house.  To make the floor look pretty again, I made carpet for it.  Brinley loved the look of the carpet, so she asked me to carpet some of the other rooms in her houses.  We ran out of glue before I could finish carpeting all the rooms that she wanted carpet in.  We recovered and fixed the barbie couch, made a table for the little house, made new seats for barbies car, put in some pretty curtains in a few of the rooms, fixed barbie's bed so it would be soft and comfy looking, and made some curtains that would stay attached to barbies bed.  We still have a lot more things we'd like to do, but I need more glue and we need to do some searching in the kids' rooms to find all of the missing furniture and pieces to the barbie house.
This morning, when Brinley's friend came over, she couldn't wait to show her all that we had done.

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