Wednesday, January 21, 2015

I Thought Someone Was Trying To Break in to Our house Tonight - January 20, 2015

Tuesday - January 20th
So, I had a rough night last night.  I was tossing and turning all night.  I just couldn't sleep.  I don't know why.  Finally, at 3:00am, after laying awake for most of the night, I got up and went downstairs to scrapbook.  Parker woke up around 4:30am, saying that he couldn't sleep.  I woke the girls up at 5:15am (they like to wake up really early so they have time to watch tv and wake up slowly).  I was feeling super tired still.  After Alissa left for school, I couldn't stay awake any longer.  I asked Roger to get Brinley to school, then I went to bed.  I was finally able to fall asleep around 7:50am.  Brinley woke me up at 10:00am, when she called home to tell me that her tummy hurts.  She didn't eat much for Breakfast, so I figured she was probably hungry.  I got up, made some popcorn, got her a drink, and some cookies, then took them to the school for her.  I had her called to the office, then we went out to the truck so she could eat.  She felt much better after eating something then she gave me a hug and went back to class.  I didn't get any homeschooling done with Parker today.  I just
couldn't fit it in.  Parker ended up falling asleep for a couple hours during the time we should have been doing his school work and I had a lot of things that I needed to take care of around the house.
After Roger left to work, I started cleaning and organizing the laundry room and the file cabinet.  Working on those two things and taking care of my little ones made for a busy night.  The file cabinet and laundry room are organized and clean, but the rest of the house is a disaster.  After putting the kids to bed, I couldn't get myself to do much more.  I sat down at the computer to rest my feet.  I got busy with my scrapbooking and looking for a place for the sister's fling that I'm in charge of planning this spring.  I think I found the perfect place.  I'll have to call everybody tomorrow and see what everybody thinks.  I was thinking that we could stay in Midway, UT.  Roger's mom lived their for a while as a child, so I thought it would be fun for her to be able to show us around a little and the place I found to stay will be really nice and comfortable and perfect for us to do a lot of visiting.  Here is a link to the house I'd like to stay in
I was starting to get really sleepy after sitting at the computer for a while, so I texted a goodnight message to Roger and was getting ready to turn off the computer and head up to bed when something crashed into the back door.  Then I heard the sounds of something moving around right outside the door.  I was terrified!   I was shaking so bad.  I was so sure that somebody was trying to break in.  I stood there panicking for a little while, trying to decide what to do.  I dialed 911, then I changed my mind.  I decided to just call the police instead.  So, I pulled up their number on my phone.  Then I decided that I should try and look outside before I call for help.  I was still hearing sounds and I was too scared to go near the door, but I knew I could go upstairs and look out Alissa's window and see down there. So, I raced upstairs and very slowly and carefully peaked out the window.  I couldn't see anything because it was too dark.  So, I went back downstairs.  I stared at the door for a little while, kind of frozen with fear trying to decide what to do.  I finally got up the courage to walk toward the door and turn on the back porch light.  Then I booked it up stairs to peak out the window again and see if someone was down there.  I looked out the window.  I could see better this time, but I couldn't see anybody.  That's when I realized the wind was blowing pretty hard out there.  It clicked in my brain that the wind had probably blown something into the door.  So, I calmed down a little and went back downstairs to build up enough courage to look out the door and see what it was.  I sat next to the door for I don't know how long before I finally dared to move the curtain slightly and peak out.  When I did, I realized that the wind and the snow shovel had caused all that commotion.  The shovel had smashed into the door, then the wind kept blowing it around so it made lots of scary noises.  I was so relieved when I realized this.  It took me a long time to calm down though.  Roger thought it was pretty funny when I sent him a message to tell him about my ordeal.  I'm just really glad that it wasn't someone trying to break in.  that would have been truly terrifying.  Alissa went Ice Skating for their Young Women's activity tonight.  Here is a picture that one of the Young Women leaders posted on Facebook.
Brinley found a hairstyle on Pinterest that she really wanted me to do for her.  So, here is Brinley's hairstyle today.

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