Friday, January 16, 2015

What We've Been Up To - January 16, 2015

Friday - January 16th
I haven't been taking pictures and videos lately, so I have no fun pictures to go with this post.  I haven't been posting anything new.  I keep thinking I should, but when I get a chance to sit at the computer, I always find something else to do.  I really want to have my blog be like a big Journal with pictures and videos from when I first met Roger and our family began.  I've been working hard to get it all done.  I try to blog about things as soon as I can after they happen.  When I'm all caught up and nothing too exciting is going on, I spend my time working on blogging about things that have already happened.  I use my pictures, videos, and my journal to help me remember what we were doing and what was going on, so I can blog about those days as I would have had I had a blog back then (hopefully that makes sense).  I have all of 2001 from June 8th (when I met Roger) to the end of the year.  I have bits and pieces from 2002 on my blog.  I started to get bored of the post when it was just me and Roger, so I skipped ahead and started blogging from when Alissa was born.  Then, I thought, maybe I would just start working backward from where we are now.  I started my blog in 2008 (I think), but I didn't post very often.  So, I started working backward and filling in the blanks from the things I didn't post about.  So I have all of 2012, 2013, and 2014 blogged about.  I still have the first few months of 2011 to finish, but as I was finishing that, I started to feel like I wanted to work on things from 2002.  So, that's what I've been doing lately.  It's funny to read my journal, see the pictures, and watch the videos from back then.  I'm glad that I kept good records of that time.  I've been reading my Journal from the end of December 2001 to the first week of January 2002.  Roger and I got married at the end of November and at the end of December I started complaining about feeling tired and having these weird stomach aches that weren't like any tummy ache I've ever had before.  It was funny to read my thoughts on those things.  I had no idea I was pregnant, I just thought I had some weird kind of flu or something.  Also, one of the days, I wrote about how Roger and I were just hanging out and all of the sudden I started to cry.  I didn't know why I was crying.  I was so confused and surprised by the crying that I thought it was funny, so I started to laugh.  I was laughing and crying at the same time and Roger just looked at me, all confused.  He had no idea what to do.  I think that is so funny.  I was pregnant at that point and had no idea.
Anyway, enough about that.  Let's see....... Roger had strep about a week ago.  He gets really sick about once or twice a year.  It seems like he gets normal illnesses, but an extreme case of it.  So, he had strep.  He assumed that's probably what it was when his throat first started hurting, so he made an appointment right away, hoping to get it taken care of and start feeling better before it got too bad.  He, of course, was right.  They started him on antibiotics, but he just kept getting worse and worse.  It wasn't making a difference at all.  His throat was swelling up and his tongue was a little swollen.  It was hard for him to talk and he sounded funny when he talked.  He made an appointment with Dr. Wilding and found out that he had a more aggressive case of strep throat and he needed a more aggressive antibiotic to get rid of it.  That helped and he finally started to feel better.  It was a bummer though, because he was sick for a week of his time off of work.  He didn't have to go back to work until the 6th this month.  It was so nice for him to have so much time off of work, but a bummer that he had to spend so much of his time sick.
I've just been busy with homeschooling Parker.  Homeschooling really is not my favorite thing.  We are doing the K12 program and it is going well.  I can see the improvements that he is making and he seems to be feeling much more confident about schooling.  That makes me feel happy.  But he is getting bored and lonely.  He likes to go to school to be able to see and play with his friends.  He has friends around here, but he doesn't get to play with them very often.  so, I feel bad about that.  But, I just heard the best news last week.  Brinley's friend's mom is a founding parent for a charter school that will be starting up here next year.  Yea!  A charter school!  It sounds like the perfect thing for my kids!  And it's free!  There will be one teacher to 8-10 students.  School will be from 8:00am to 1:00pm on Monday thru Thursday.  So, the kids will all be going to the same school, They will have shorter school days, and they will have Friday off each week.  They group the kids according to their abilities in each subject and not according to what grade they are in.  It all just sound like it will be so nice.  I really hope it is!  I really don't like to homeschool. 
I don't feel like I'm good at it.
Today when I logged in to do Parker's homeschooling, his daily plan said "Vacation Day!"  That made me so happy!  I love a good vacation day where I don't have to worry about school!  He gets a vacation day on Monday also.  Yippy!
I can't think of what else I had wanted to write about.  Maybe it will come to me later and I can update things then.

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited for the charter school! It sounds great! I am so glad Alissa and Parker and Brinley are going. It'll be great to see Alissa at the school. Something tells me we'll have math together!
