Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Alissa's Toddler Bed - March 23, 2004

Tuesday - March 23rd

Yesterday, Alissa and I walked over to the Parker's (Shayden's grandparents).  Alissa and Shayden spent some time jumping on the trampoline.  They had a lot of fun playing together.  I want a trampoline of our own so bad.

Also, yesterday, we turned Alissa's crib into a toddler bed.  Alissa loved it and she was so excited to sleep in it.  I was worried about how well she would sleep and if I'd have a hard time getting her to take naps since she could get out of bed so easy now.  Anyway, last night she slept in her new bed.  It didn't go well.  She kept falling off the bed.  Roger and I finally (around 3:00am) set up her happy camper playpen in our bedroom.  She came in and slept in that.  Today, we switched Alissa's toddler bed back into a crib.  Tonight should be a lot better.

Alissa and I played outside a lot today.  We have been doing that a lot.  Before Alissa's nap this afternoon, she had me read almost all of her books to her.  She's funny.

I made sloppy Joes for the first time today.  I also made Potato Salad.  This is the first time that my potato salad actually turned out!  I can make potato salad now!!

Sunday, March 21, 2004

Regan's Farewell Party - March 21, 2004

Sunday - March 21st

I went to Salt Lake yesterday.  Regan's Farewell was today.  We had a good-bye party for her last night.  Roger and Alissa stayed home.  Roger has been working so much lately, he really wanted to spend some time at home.

Last night was mine and Alissa's first night away from each other.  I really did not want to leave roger and Alissa.  I cried when it was time for me to go.  I also cried all the way to Salt Lake.  I just love my family too much.  It's not easy to leave them.  And my pregnancy makes it really hard to keep my emotions in check.

Alissa was looking forward to her Daddy time.  She wasn't upset at all when I left.  she gave me lots of hugs and kisses to cheer me up when I was crying.  She is a cute girl.  I'm glad that roger and her got to have some Daddy Daughter time.

I went crib shopping in Salt Lake.  I bought the crib that Roger and I had been looking at in Brigham City.  I got the last one.  It was the display, so they sold it as is for $75.00.  That's a great buy!  We had to push the crib (all put together) through Walmart.  It was a little crazy.  A worker helped us take it apart in the parking lot so we could get it in the car.

I hung out with Missy and Linda for a while.  We have a lot of fun together.  I didn't want to leave them.  So, I ended up going to Regan's get together late.  I had a hard time finding where it was.  My brain was just not working right.  I had a fun time at Regan's party.  At first, it was uncomfortable, but then all of Regan's friends that I didn't know, left and Natalie and Lane came.  We talked a lot about our Dixie College memories.  It's so fun to talk and laugh about that stuff.  I stayed up until 1:45am.  That's late.

Missy let me sleep in her bed at Linda's house.  I really missed Roger and Alissa.  I don't like being without them.  I woke up and got ready to go to Regan's Farewell.  Her farewell was in the Wesley Rd Chapel.  I love going there and seeing the old neighborhood.  After the meeting, we found out that Jenny Springman was in town.  Missy, Natalie, and I walked to her house to see if she was there.  she was.  It was so fun to see her.  I haven't seen her for a long time.  she got dressed and came with us to Regan's house for treats and visiting.  It was fun to see everybody.  Jenny lives in California now.  She only lived in Las Vegas for a week.  Then she decided that she didn't like it, so her and Tammy moved to California.  Jenny's parents redecorated their whole house.  It looks really nice.

I'm so happy to home now.  I love Roger and Alissa too much.  I don't want to leave them again.

Thursday, March 18, 2004

Playing Outside - March 18, 2004

Thursday - March 18th

Today was a nice day.  The weather was so nice.  Alissa and I were outside all morning.  We did yard work, cleaned the car, went for a walk, and started putting carpet down in the playhouse.  Alissa loves the playhouse.  I really wish that the stairs on it were safer.  Alissa likes to go up and down them by herself.  It make me so nervous when she does.

Alissa was really funny at lunch today.  She was shoving her sandwich in her mouth.  I've never seen her eat so fast.  She finished her sandwich then ate half of my sandwich.  she took a long nap today.  I had a nice time relaxing while she slept.  I started working on a Easter basket that I am making for her.  I did that for about an hour.  Then I got up and fixed some dinner for Roger.

After Roger woke up, we relaxed with him for a little while before he had to go to work.  When he left, Alissa and I walked over to the school playground to play for a little bit.  when we tired of that, we came home, ate dinner,  Alissa had a bath, then we relaxed in front of the TV.  

Alissa was really tired and could not wait to go to bed.  Usually, she doesn't want to go to bed, but not tonight.  She grabbed her bottle and went upstairs, straight to her crib.  She threw her bottle in the crib and then reached up at her crib until I put her in.  She didn't want a story or anything.  She climbed into bed, covered herself up, blew me a kiss, and waved bye-bye.  I was surprised.  she is such a cutie.  I spent the rest of the night working on Alissa;s Easter basket.

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Babysitting and Yard work - March 17, 2004

Wednesday - March 17th

The people who broke into some houses on our street got caught.  It turns out that it was some teenagers (the boy that lives across the street, on the corner, and his friends).  He just dropped out of high school.  It turns out that the house on the other side of us (the Archibald's) was also robbed.  They broke into 14 houses in our area.  I'm home all of the time, that's why they didn't come to our house.  I'm so relieved that they have been caught.  I was feeling so paranoid.  I was very nervous that somebody was going to try and break into our house also.

I babysat Shayden and Triston today.  We played outside for most of the time they were here.  Alissa, Shayden, and I ate breakfast, then went outside to play.  We stayed out there until Triston came home from school, then we came in for some lunch.  After lunch, Alissa, Shayden, and Triston all took naps.  I went outside and worked on the yard while they slept.  I raked up all of the pine needles.

I came in around 1:00pm and Alissa woke up.  Then we went in and woke Roger up.  Alissa started to get fussy and her whining woke Triston up from his nap.  So, Roger got up and took Alissa and Triston outside to play, so Shayden could finish her nap in peace.  Shayden woke up from her nap a little before her mom came to pick her up.  As soon as they left, we had to hurry and get ready to go to my Dr. appointment.

The Dr.'s office was crowded.  I've never seen them so busy.  Usually we are the only ones there.  so, we had to wait for a little while.  Everything looks good and Parker and I are doing fine.  I only have 10 weeks left of this pregnancy!  I'm so excited to have a new little baby!  I can't wait!  Every night I dream about having the baby.  Last night I dreamed that he was 2 - 3 weeks early.  He was very healthy and he was a really good eater.  I was excited about that, because it took Alissa a long time to be able to nurse.  She was premature and it was harder for her.  They wouldn't let her leave the hospital until she could do it.  that was frustrating.

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

My Pregnant Belly is Getting so Big - March 16, 2004

Tuesday - March 16th

My belly is getting so big.  It's getting harder and herder to do a lot of things.  I have a real problem with my sciatic nerve.  It hurts me a lot.  It makes it hard for me to walk and sit up after I've been lying down.

I'm so excited for Parker to be born!  I've been watching home videos of Alissa when she was first born.  She was so tiny.  I'm really excited to have another baby.  I'm excited for Alissa to have a brother.  She is going to love him so much.

Alissa and I worked in the yard for a little while today.  It was so nice to be outside.  the weather has been wonderful.  We didn't need to wear our jackets.  Alissa is a good helper.  She helped me rake the leaves and throw them away.  She loves to be able to do what I'm doing.  She is too cute.

When Roger woke up today, Alissa was so excited to see him.  She climbed up on the bed and gave him lots of loves.  She laid down next to him for a while.  She did not want to leave him.  It was very cute.  Roger's been working a lot of overtime.  We really miss him when he is gone so much.

Monday, March 15, 2004

My Dr. Appointment - March 15, 2004

Monday - March 15th

I had a doctors appointment today at McKay Dee Hospital.  Roger had to work tonight, so I had to get his lunch ready before we left.  I remembered at 11:30am.  I made some soup in the crockpot and dough for rolls, in the bread machine.  That way things could cook and get ready while we were gone.  I also made 2 grilled cheese sandwiches for Roger to eat on the way to the hospital.  Alissa and I woke Roger up at 12:30pm.  After that, we all quickly got ready and left for my appointment.

There is still fluid around Parker's heart.  It hasn't really changed since our last appointment.  But Parker looks healthy.  He's growing well.  He weighs 3 lbs 4 oz.  I love finding out how much he weighs.  It is so exciting to me.  He is getting so big.  There is not that much time left until his due date.  I'm very excited!  The doctor thinks that everything will be fine.  He doesn't think that the fluid around his heart is a problem.  Parker is not in any danger.  the doctor wants us to come back in a month for another ultra sound.  Last time we went, they told us that this would e our last appointment, but things didn't work out that way.

Roger really liked the soup that I made today.  He kept telling me how yummy it was.  I love it when I make a successful dinner and Roger raves about it.  It makes me feel good.

Before Roger had to leave for work, we sat down on the couch to read the Ensign.  Alissa wanted to sit where Roger was sitting, so she started crying and throwing a temper tantrum.  Her crying started me crying.  I tried so hard not to cry, but I just couldn't help it.  I'm just very emotional.  That's one of the many fun joys of pregnancy.

I got back in the habit of going in and cuddling Alissa every time she cries in the night.  If I don't do that, she will sleep through the night just fine.  She was up a lot last night.  I decided that I need to quit doing that.  So, I discussed it with her tonight.  I'm not going to come pick her up when she cries.  I hope that it won't be too long before she starts sleeping through the night again.  Hopefully it won't be too hard.

Marque called me tonight.  We are planning Regan's good-bye party.  Kristy Noble called me tonight also.  She doesn't want me to babysit anymore.  I'm so happy!  Her boys were so difficult to deal with.

I worked on Alissa's scrapbook tonight.  I had a lot of fun doing that.

Sunday, March 14, 2004

Our Neighbor's House Got Robbed - March 14, 2004

Sunday - March 14th
Parker has been moving around and kicking so much.  I love being able to feel him move.  Tomorrow we have an appointment at McKay Dee Hospital.  It's supposed to be our final appointment.  They are going to do an ultra sound and make sure that the fluid around Parker's heart is back to where it should be.  I really hope that it is.  I'm pretty sure that it will be.  I'm getting really nervous about delivering this baby.  I'm so excited and so scared at the same time.
El Dula Rawlinson's house got broken into yesterday.  Two other houses on our street were also robbed.  That really freaks me out.  The people in the nursery at church yesterday, told me about it.  They were so shocked, because stuff like doesn't happen in Tremonton.  Nobody ever locks their doors.  I've always been so paranoid.  I always keep our doors locked.  Now that I know stuff like really does happen in Tremonton, I am really scared.  I asked Roger to call me a lot tonight, to make sure that I'm okay.  I don't think that I'm going to be able to sleep tonight.  I need my roger home to protect me.
Alissa and I watched some of our home videos tonight.  I also scanned a bunch of Alissa's pictures onto the computer, so I can make Alissa's baby book.  I love working on that stuff.
Roger is at work tonight.  I really wish that he was home.  A guy on tonight's shift, got into a car accident, so Roger will be working a lot of overtime.  He is working Sunday and Monday this week.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Alissa has a Cold - March 10, 2004

Wednesday - March 10th

I babysat Shayden and Triston today.  Shayden and Alissa were so happy to see each other.  They had a lot of gun today.  Triston was really bored.  He's tired of the playstation 2 and all of the crayons are broken.

Alissa has a really yucky cold.  Her nose is so stuffy.  Roger's allergies are acting up, so he thinks that Alissa could have allergies also.  So, we're not sure if it's a cold or allergies.  I think it is a cold though.

The snow is almost all the way melted in our yard!  I'm looking forward to summer.  It is supposed to snow this weekend, but I know that the snow won't stick, so I'm okay with it.

Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Babysitting Frustrations - March 9, 2004

Tuesday - March 9th
I babysat Brantzen and Bryson today.  I really don't enjoy babysitting them.  I feel bad for feeling this way.  They back talk, don't listen, and break everything.  Today, one of our cupboards broke.  We're not sure how it happened.  Brantzen and Bryson were standing by it when it fell.  Brantzen lied and said that he didn't touch it.  He later told us that he opened it and it just broke.  It doesn't make a lot of sense.  Something might have been loose on it.  Their dad came and looked at it.  He is going to fix it for us.

Linda got engaged.  Her and Dave plan on remarrying on April 29th.  Kelly is very upset about this.  She called me today to find out how I felt about it.  I told her that I was okay with it.  She is going to send an e-mail to everyone in the family and tell her story (about what Dave did to her) and how it has affected her life, then she will share her thoughts on welcoming him back into the family.  She feels like the reason so many of us are okay with this is because we don't know the whole story.  Kelly is very afraid of him.  She doesn't want anybody else to get hurt.
Linda has been praying about it.  They are getting married in the temple this time.  I'm not sure what to think.  I was okay with it, but after talking to Kelly, I feel scared for him to be back in the family.

Monday, March 8, 2004

Roger's Mom is Home! - March 8, 2004

Monday - March 8th
Roger's mom came home from her mission!  We had a homecoming party for her today.  I'm excited for Alissa to be able to get to know her grandma.  It was also really fun for Alissa to meet some of her cousins that live far away.  Grant and Teresa, and Shane and Jill came.  I also got to meet some of Roger's family for the first time.  I met his brother's Shane and Grant once at a family get together when Roger and I were dating.  Neither of them were able to come to our wedding and they live so far away, so I hadn't been able to meet their families until today.  I feel a little more like part of the family now that I've had a chance to meet everybody.

I made a really large wedding looking type of cake for the homecoming party.  Everybody loved it and that made me feel really good.  I love it when my cakes are a hit.

Alissa's cousins Tyler and Chris were loving meeting her and being on the camera.  I'm really glad I got to finally meet them.  Chris is 12 years old and Tyler is 8 years old.  They are really nice kids.  Missy sat by me most of the time and played with Alissa.  Alissa loves her cousins.
We all went to church together on Sunday to listen to Roger's mom give her homecoming talk.  Afterwards, we all went to Cindi's to eat and visit some more.  Joyce had a lot of pictures and stories to share with us.  It was fun.  I think Joyce is going to be living with Cindi for a little while as she works to figure out where she will live and what she's going to do.  She sold her condo in Draper to help pay for her mission.

Roger and his brother's got together and went snowmobiling for their brother's fling last week, before all the homecoming fun.

Alissa started talking a lot this last week.  She is so smart!  She amazes me.

We got home from Salt Lake last night.  We spent most of the day getting unpacked and getting things back to normal.

The snow has melted a lot.  Alissa and I played outside a lot today.  Alissa really enjoyed playing in the play house.  She is such a cute girl.