Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Mopping the Floor Again and Playing With Friends - October 8, 2014

Wednesday - October 8, 2014
Parker wanted to clean the floor again.  I'm really glad they like to mop.  I think it's funny that they want to do it so often.  I'm sad that I know it won't take too long before they realize what a chore it is and they no longer like it.
So, I haven't been feeling like myself for a while now.  I haven't had a lot of energy.  I've been tired and just feeling a little off.  I think it's a combination of not having a lot of food and quitting caffeine (it's been 2 weeks now).  I can't decide if it's from the lack of food and caffeine or if I have some kind of sickness. I really can't decide what is going on.  Anyway, so the house is messier than  usual, because I just don't have the energy to keep up with all the housework lately.  I thought it was kind of funny that our kitchen floor was is so nice and clean, but the rest of the house is a complete disaster.  I felt like it needed to be photographed.  We got toys everywhere in the living room, where the girls and a friend were playing Minecraft.  Brinley walked in the kitchen as I went to take pictures of all the dirty dishes covering the counter.  Parker's bedroom was the biggest disaster of them all.  He was upstairs playing the wii with his friends.
 Here's the disaster in Alissa's room and the mess of coloring pages, homework, backpacks, and my camera case on the kitchen table.  Alissa was heading upstairs as I was on my way down, so, of course, I had to take a picture.
 Alissa's friend Jamie came over right as Alissa was finishing up her latest crocheting creation.  she crocheted herself this beautiful hair hat.  It's so cute!  She is doing a great job with her crocheting.
 Here's Jamie sporting Alissa's hat.  They thought it looked better on her, because the hair matches her hair color more closely.
 Alissa showed Jamie all of the hats that I have been crocheting.  Jamie loved this one, so we gave it to her.
 We had fun with Jamie here tonight.  We grabbed some cups and played the cup game and sang the cup song.  We did that for a while, then it reminded Alissa and Jamie of some of the fun things that they learned at girls camp.  So, we played another cup game they learned there.  Brinley and I kept messing up and it was really funny.  We laughed a lot as we kept trying to do that game.  It ended in us throwing the cups at each other.  After that, we played some hand games, like down by the banks, lemonade, and double this that.  We had too much fun.  Then Jamie showed us her YouTube videos she makes and introduced us to her video editing program.  I've been looking for one, so I'm excited to try it out.  Then we talked about some of the funny videos we've made.  We've talked about making YouTube videos for a while, but haven't posted any yet because of the lack of a video editing program.  Jamie thought that we should start posting our videos.  She thinks we're fun and that we'll become famous like the Shaytards.  That was nice of her to say and think that.  I don't know if we'd ever get a lot for people to watch our videos, but I do think it would be fun to post some.  I have a lot of fun dorky ideas.  The kids and I have already made some of them, their just not edited yet.  When the girls were bored one day, I told them to recreate the Charlie bit my finger video.  I still haven't watched it, but I'm excited to see it and see what they came up with.  Another time they were bored, I told them a funny story from my childhood and we made a recreation of that.  I have a lot of funny stories that we can use for our videos.  Also, we love to copy funny videos we've already seen.  Also, we have some funny ghost videos from the time I learned how to make ghost videos using my old editing program.  Making videos is too fun.  I really think we will start to do it more.  so, be ready world.  Not only will I be blogging our life, I will soon start recording it.

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