Monday, June 15, 2015

A Trip To Salt Lake - June 15, 2015

Monday - June 15th
We spent the weekend in Salt Lake.  When we got there, we went straight to Dan's.  Dan wasn't home yet, so we relaxed outside for while until he came.  The kids were chillin' on the back of the truck.

It was kind of a rough weekend.  Roger's friend Dan had been talking about paying someone to clean his house.  I had mentioned that I'd be interested a few months ago, but nothing ever came of it.  Roger wanted to go and visit and suggested that this weekend would be a good time for me to go and clean.  Kari had been wanting me to clean her house also, so we thought it would be a good weekend to take care of that also.  As the week went on and it got closer to time for us to go, I felt more and more like I wouldn't have the energy to clean.  I've been feeling extra tired lately and it's been hard for me to even keep our house clean.  I told Roger that I didn't want to go, but he convinced me that I should so we could have some spending money for Montana.  I reluctantly agreed to go.  The first night, I was going to do something fun.  The girls were going to spend the night at their cousins, Anastasia and Aurora's house, Parker and Roger were going to stay at Dan's and I was going to hang out and sleep over at my friend Jenny's house.  I was looking forward to that.

We had a fun night on Saturday night.  The girls had fun playing with their cousins, Parker and Roger always have fun hanging out with Dan, and I had a ton of fun hanging out with Jenny.  We walked around her neighborhood, ate a salad with cheese and chips, and watched 'Drop Dead Gorgeous'.

On Sunday morning, Jenny dropped me off at Dan's, so I could do a little cleaning for them.  Roger had gone and picked up the girl's from their cousin's house.  So, we were all sitting around at Dan's waiting to figure out how the whole cleaning thing would go.  I asked them what they wanted me to do.  We followed them through the house as they explained what they wanted done.  The only problem was that Dan and his wife couldn't agree on what they wanted done.  And it seemed like they didn't actually want someone to clean as much as they wanted someone to organize and go through all of their stuff.  I ended up just cleaning the downstairs bathroom for them.  That was the one thing they both agreed needed to be done.  After that, it was dinner time.  Andrea's family came over for a barbecue.  Her parents speak English, but her grandma doesn't, so most of the time when they talked it was in another language.  It was a little uncomfortable.  I'd have a hard time getting used to that.  Dan deals with that all the time.  The food they made was really yummy though, so I guess it made up for the awkwardness.

After dinner, Roger drove the kids and I to my sister Kari's house.  Kari didn't want me to clean for her anymore, so that was a relief.  She had mentioned that if I came over earlier, she would pay me to perm her hair, but I couldn't get there soon enough.  When we got to Kari's, she was kind of upset, because her perm didn't go well.  She paid a friend to come over and give her the perm.  The upsetting thing was that her hair didn't do well with them perm.  She pretty much fried her hair.  It was really sad.  I feel bad for her.  Kari's house was kind of uncomfortable because of all of the pet hair everywhere.  We had a hard time getting comfortable.  It was a rough night.  We all got very little sleep.

This morning, we woke up and Alissa went with Kiara to her color guard practice.  Alissa thought that would be lots of fun, but she didn't realize that it would be so long and she would miss out on everything else.  While she was gone, Brinley, Parker, and I went swimming in the pool at Kari's.  When we got to the pool, there was a duck swimming.

 Then Kristy called and came to pick us up.  We spent the rest of the day at Kristy's.

Kristy took us to 7-Eleven to get slurpees with cool straws.  That was fun.

After all that, Roger picked up Alissa from Kari's and then they came to get us from Kristy's so we could head home.  Alissa was fussy, because her day had been so boring and she missed out on the fun stuff we did (the swimming and hanging out with Kristy and her kids).  She would have rather done that.  She felt bad that she hadn't realized that going with Kiara meant missing out on everything else.  We all were fussy from lack of sleep and being so uncomfortable for so long.  The kids tried sleeping with their new sleeping bags over the weekend and they really didn't like them.  They felt like they were too small and uncomfortable.  Lack of good bedding made everything a lot worse.  Also, at Kari's, every time any of us moved or rolled over in our sleep or anything, the dogs started barking, which woke everybody up.  It was really rough.
On the way home, we talked about how I never want to spend the night at anyone's house in Salt Lake again.  If we want to visit family in Salt Lake, we need to get a hotel room.  It is too hard to stay with family.  We were really fussy.  Who knows if we'll really do that.
Kristy bought an extra straw, so Alissa wouldn't feel left out, when she came.  So, when we got home, I went to Maverick and got Alissa a slushy to drink with her straw.  Her friend Malaiyah came over and they shared the slushy.

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