Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Brinley's Black Eye and Red Spot - June 9, 2015

Tuesday - June 9th
Brinley's eye is looking more and more painful.  I think it's crazy how that happens.  I wanted to take a picture of how bad her eye is looking now.  when I was taking the picture, I noticed she had a bunch of red in the corner of her eye.  I didn't want to scare her, so I didn't say anything to her about it.  I just asked her to hold her head straight and look off to the side, so I could take a better picture.  Parker came in while I was taking the picture and noticed the red in her eye.  He said, "Brinley.  What's in your eye?  It's all red."  Brinley went in the bathroom to look.  When she saw it, she freaked out again.  She started crying and shaking and asking, "What is it?  What is it?"  I told her it was probably just a popped blood vessel in her eye and that it was not a big deal.  She didn't believe me that it was going to be okay.  So, I took a picture of it with my phone and sent it to my sister Linda (the nurse).  Linda said that it looked like a popped blood vessel and explained that she would be fine and it would go away on it's own.  Brinley finally calmed down.  It is kind of funny how she freaks out sometimes.

The kids wanted to go and do something today, so we took them to the splash pad.  None of their friends could meet them there and there were mostly little kids running around.  The kids felt out of place and a little bored.  They didn't think it was very much fun.  So, we didn't stay there very long.

I had a little bit of money I had been saving, so I suggested that we take the money to Kings and see if we can afford to buy a new fun little pool, then we could set it up behind the town house.  The kids all liked that idea, so that's what we did.  The little pool that we love, just happened to be on sale!  So, we bought it.  We were all very happy with our purchase.  We hurried home and set it up right away.  We had a lot of fun swimming it out new pool today.

Here's another picture of Brinley's ouchy eye.

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