Saturday, June 6, 2015

Playing in the Pool - June 6, 2015

Saturday - June 6th
We sat around and relaxed most of the morning, then around noon, we decided to set up the pool.  It was hot and sunny, with no clouds when we went out, but as we started filling the pool, clouds started to gather.  We played in the pool for as long as we could before the storm came.  Alissa's friend, Malaiyah and Parker, spent most of the time running and jumping in then out of the pool.  Malaiyah kept falling, so I took lots of pictures, hoping to get some good action shots.  she makes funny faces when she is jumping and falling.  The kids were excited to see the pictures when we were finished.  They all thought it was funny.
We also tried to make a redneck waterbed from the plastic sheeting that was covering one of the twin size mattresses we bought a couple of months ago.  I thought it would work perfect and be fun, but I was wrong.  turns out there are little holes through out the sheeting.  There were too many of them and we weren't able to patch them all up.  Next time I'll buy plastic sheeting.

The missionaries stopped by while we were out at the pools and asked if they could come over for their meeting with Malaiyah a little earlier than we had originally scheduled.  So, we cleaned up and put the pools away a little earlier than planned.  It wasn't a big deal, there was a storm coming and we would of had to clean up because of the storm.
After the missionaries came, the kids were bored.  I had made a list with ideas of things they could do to whenever they get bored.  One of the things on the list was to have a cooking type contest where you use a few ingredients and see who can make the best food out of it.  We used nacho cheese doritos, honey nut cheerios, peanut butter, and syrup.  Then we had Kylie and Tayson come over and be the judges.  They didn't know who made what.  It was kind of funny.  They liked all of them.  I don't remember who won.  I forgot to get pictures while we were doing it, but here is what the aftermath looked like.

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