Sunday, June 7, 2015

Brinley's Black Eye and Ghost Stories in the Tent - June 7, 2015

Sunday - June 7, 2015
Brinley was outside playing with her friend Kylie.  Kylie bent down and was pretending that she couldn't get back up.  Brinley went to help her and Kylie flung her head up.  Kylie's head bonked Brinley in the eye, really hard.  Brinley came running in the house, crying.  She had her hands covering her face and she ran into the bathroom.  I went in there after her to find out what was going on.  She slowly lifted her hand off of her eye and looked in the mirror.  She had a big goose egg bulging out on the side of her eye.  It scared her so bad, she started freaking out and screaming, "What is it?  What is it?  Am I going to be okay?"  I explained what it was, that it has happened to people many times and I've never heard of anybody dying from one of those.  She calmed down and we talked about it a little more.  I should have taken a picture right after it happened, because the bump was so big.  Picture taking just wasn't on my mind at that point.  I got her some ice to hold on it and the swelling went down a lot.  I told her that she is going to have a black eye and explained what that was.  She was bummed about that, but excited to tell her friends about it.

I wanted to set up the tent so I could clean it out in preparation for camping trips this year.  I thought since I'd have it up, we could play in it.  So we brought out blankets and pillows, with the plan to tell ghost stories when it got dark.  We weren't going to sleep out in it, because we don't have our own backyard and I wouldn't feel safe at all sleeping outside in this area.  Anyway, we got all our stuff out in the tent, but it took a long time for it to get dark.  We just hung out in there waiting.  We were kind of bored.  The kids and Roger played 'keep away' with a sock, then I think it turned into 'throw the sock as hard as you can at each other'.  Then I pulled out the camera to document our fun.  The lighting wasn't very good and I was using my phone camera, so the pictures didn't turn out good at all.  I took some pictures of the kids

then I turned the camera around to take a selfie of me and Roger.  Roger was being funny and we were kind of bored, so this is the result of that.

We finally got tired of waiting and started the stories a little before dark.  They weren't super scary, but they were scary enough.  Parker and Brinley went inside because they didn't want to be scared.  Roger went in shortly after them, because he was getting bored.  Alissa, Malaiyah, and I stayed out a little longer.  When I decided I wanted to go in, the girls decided they would watch a scary movie out there on the iPad.  They barely started the movie, when they both came running inside.  They said they were too scared.  I had them help me get everything out of the tent and we went out and quickly took it all down and put everything away.

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