Thursday, August 13, 2015

Happy Birthday Alissa! - August 13, 2015

Thursday - August 13th
Alissa's a teenager!  She had a really fun day.  Roger and I had a fun time teasing her.  Every time she didn't agree with us or someone, we said, "Wow!  Ever since you've become a  teenager, you've changed.  You have such an attitude now."  or Roger would say, "Oh no!  There's that teenager attitude coming out."  It was funny.  We had a couple of good laughs over those situations.
Alissa wanted to decorate a big 3-tier cake all by herself.  She wanted chocolate everything.  So, I made her a big chocolate cake and she decorated it.  She did a pretty good job.  I like the design she came up with.

She loved her presents we gave her.  She got a lava lamp, a snow cone machine, a sketch pad with pencils, and some duct tape for making crafts.

We made snow cones and sat outside on the back of the truck and ate them.
When we finished, we came inside to sing Happy Birthday to Alissa.  We were all too full to eat any cake, but we had to do the singing and stuff with Roger before he had to leave to go to work.

 After Alissa blew out the candles, Roger cut the top layer of cake a piece of cake fell off.  Alissa and Roger ate some of it off of the table. I thought that was funny.

Then, a cake fight ensued.  Alissa and Roger had a lot of fun.  By the time they were done, Alissa, Roger, and the kitchen were covered in cake.  It was crazy!

 Roger convinced Alissa to pose for a picture with him.  He told her that he was going to hold cake, to make it look like he was going to get her with it, but he wouldn't really get her with it.  So, she decided to pose.  She knew he would throw it on her, but decided to risk it.  As soon as I snapped the picture, Roger smashed the cake in her face.

 Parker and Brinley didn't want to join the cake fight, so they stayed in the living room, where it was safe.  They were waiting for Alissa's lava lamp to warm up.
They were so excited when it finally started to move.
 Roger and Alissa made a mess!  Clean up was not fun.

Roger and Alissa got all cleaned up.  I helped Roger get ready for work, then I spent the next hour cleaning the cake off of the floor, wall, counters, and everything in the kitchen.

Alisa's friends, Erin and Sydney came to hang out tonight.  I took the top layer off the cake, so we could sing Happy Birthday to Alissa again, with her friends over.  Sydney and Erin both brought a little something to give to Alissa.  They made cute cards and Erin gave her a necklace.

 We all really wanted to watch the movie 'Home' again.  It was such a cute movie.  We thought it was at the Redbox at McDonald's, so we walked to McDonald's to get it.  It wasn't there.  That was pretty disappointing.  We came home and decided to just order it off the tv.  It's such a cute movie.
Alissa's friends went home around 10:00pm.  I sent them each with plates full of cake.  We had so much cake and there is no way we could eat it all.

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