Monday, August 17, 2015

I want this house - August 17, 2015

Monday - August 17th
 There is another house that I really want.  The most frustrating thing is that all of the houses I love the most are just out of our price range.  I really love this house and they have it listed for $173,000.  It is for sell by owner.  Alissa's friend Sydney lives close to this house and she really wants us to live close to her, so she has gotten in touch with the lady that lives there.  She told them that the most we qualify for is $160,00.  Then she asked if they would be willing to go that low.  The lady gave her phone number to Sydney and told her that I can call and talk to her.  That would be crazy if they would sell it to us for that much.  I sent a message to the guy working to get our loan and asked him if he could pluck in the numbers today and give me an exact amount of what we could qualify for.  I'm hoping it will be more than $160,000.  I figure I will call that lady after I find out the amount we qualify for.  I can't see any harm in calling her.  I really love that house.  It is exactly what we are looking for.  It is a floor plan that I love (because it is the same plan of the last house we lived in and the first house we owned).  But this house is better because it has the fourth floor, which I've always wanted, and a large yard.  I just love this house.  It would be amazing if we could get it.  I really need to stop getting my hopes up about things like this.  That is why house hunting has not been fun for me.  I get way too excited when I find something I love and it is too big of a let down when things don't work out.  I feel like I'm making myself crazy!  We need to find a house we both love and get it already.  This is the house that I want really, really badly.  I want this house so much!

Alissa and Roger went to Lagoon today.  Parker really wanted to go with them this year.  They were going to take him, but then they checked online to see the height requirements for some of their favorite rides.  Parker was close, but not tall enough.  Next year, we are determined to have the money for all of us to go.  That way, if someone isn't tall enough or they are scared, they will have me to keep them company while the other ones enjoy the ride.

I wrote the first part of this post earlier today.  Since then, I've learned what we can qualify for.  I had my hopes up for a little while, because the guy texted that he was doing whatever he could to get us as close to $173,000 as possible.  After a few hours, he texted that he was only able to qualify us for $158,000.  That's even less than he had said before.  I'm not really bummed about that.  I know Roger was nervous about having a bigger house payment.  I think a bigger house payment would stress him out too much.  I just really hope we can find something soon.  I don't think I'll call that lady about that house.  I feel silly calling her, when I know we can't qualify for what they are asking.  Maybe it won't sell right away and they'll eventually lower the price, then I'll call.  It hasn't been on the market very long, so I think we just need to wait it out and see what happens.

Alissa and Roger had fun at Lagoon.  Roger is having a harder time handling the rides.  He felt sick and had to sit out and let Alissa go by herself.  Alissa wished that Parker had come with them after all.  She didn't like riding the rides by herself.  They ended up coming home a lot earlier than planned also.  Roger was just having a hard time.  Is body isn't on a normal schedule, so waking up early and going to Lagoon was really hard on him.  He didn't get enough sleep last night and he was really tired.  Alissa still says they had a fun time.  She's happy they went.  When they got home, Roger went straight to bed.  He's asleep now.

Parker's friend, Simon had been over all day.  They have been playing Minecraft nonstop today.  Brinley's friend, Onnika and her brother Weston came for a few hours today.  Brinley and Onnika had a lot of fun, but I don't think Weston had a ton of fun.  The boys stayed in the living room playing Minecraft, but it sounded like they weren't having very much fun.  They were being a little bossy and kept getting after Weston for not doing things right.  It really didn't sound like he was having a good time.  I tried to encourage them to do things different and it helped a little, but I just don't think Weston had fun.  I'm pretty sure he won't be coming over to play again.

I haven't been feeling well today, so I spent the whole day on my bum, in front of the computer.  I'm working hard to get caught up on my blog.

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