Sunday, February 14, 2016

Trying to Get Caught Up on My Blog - February 14, 2016

Sunday - February 14th
Happy Valentine's Day world!  Roger and I went out and celebrated  Valentine's Day yesterday.  We went to the Olive Garden then grocery shopping.  We were going to go to a movie, but the movie we wanted to see wasn't playing in any of the theaters near us, so instead we walked around Home Depot, went to Sam's Club to do our grocery shopping trip, then we stopped at Best Buy for Roger to get something he's been wanting for a while (a sound bar).  Even though we did some chores (grocery shopping) on our date, it was still lots of fun.  I love hanging out with Roger.  I'm so glad that we still have fun together.
Today, Roger taught the lesson in Priesthood meeting.  That's his new calling.  He wasn't nervous.  I don't understand how he wasn't nervous.  I taught in relief society once.  I was so nervous.  It was terrifying for me.  I'm glad that Roger is better at that stuff that I am and I'm glad that it doesn't make him too nervous.  He said it went well.  He felt like he was a little all over the place at first, but eventually the lesson started to flow more smoothly and it went well.
The kids and I didn't go to church today.  I woke up later than I expected to, so I wasn't able to get everybody else up and moving on time.  since we were going to be late and I had a lot of stuff to do before the missionaries came for dinner, we decided not to go.  We could have gone.  It was just one of those days where it was just super hard to get motivated to do anything.  I managed to get everything cleaned and food ready before the missionaries came.
Somebody from our ward called me on Thursday and asked if we could feed the missionaries on Sunday.  I said we would.  He told me to have things ready by 5:00pm.  So, 5:00 rolls around.  I have the food ready and the table set, but there is no sign of the missionaries.  Roger kept saying to give it a few minutes.  Roger called the guy from the ward at 5:10, to ask if the missionaries were still coming.  The guy apologized and said that the missionaries would be here shortly.  Apparently, he forgot to tell them.  They had just sat down and started eating some soup when we called.
The missionaries came and dinner went well.  
After the missionaries left, Roger went upstairs to take a nap, Parker and Brinley went in the living room to play in the bubble that I set up for them, Alissa went to her room to read a book, and I came in here to the computer room to scrapbook.  I am way behind on my blog.  I was going to try to get caught up and wait to post anything new, but I decided that it's going to take too long, so I'm going to be posting new statuses and I'm going to slowly get caught up on all the post I've missed.  There are a lot of posts that I already did the journaling for, I just need to add the pictures before I post them.  I was journaling as I went, because I was afraid I would forget what we were doing if I just relied on the pictures.
Anyway, so today wasn't too excited, but it wasn't horrible.  We had a really yummy dinner with cupcakes for dessert.  We had Easy Baked Ziti, corn, and garlic bread made with homemade french bread.  I'm happy to have some time to scrapbook tonight.  I hope that I can get a lot done.  I'm thinking about uploading videos to go a long with my pictures and journaling for my blog.  I was thinking I will post them on Youtube and put a link to them on here.  I think it's fun to have all of this stuff online for me to look at when I want.  Also, it gives me a little peace of mind to know that I have it backed up on here.

I just remembered something funny that I wanted to share.   I didn't take any pictures to document it, so I know I'll forget to post about it if I don't do it now.  The last week in December, I saw something on Pinterest about "No more Shampoo".  I was curious, so I read about it.  It was one girl's journey on going shampoo free.  She started out explaining how unnecessary shampoo is and it is just a way for people to make money. There was also talk about how, it dried out and damaged people hair, that's why conditioner was invented (to add moisture to our dry, damaged, but clean hair). I don't remember all the details of it, but it intrigued me, since I always thing everything is a scam or way for people to take advantage.  Anyway, so I didn't wash my hair for 3 weeks.  I took showers and rinsed my hair, but no shampoo.  It was greasy for the first 2 weeks, but it didn't look too bad.  I just kept it in french braids all the time.  After a while, the greasiness went away.  My hair looked good, I was loosing less hair in the shower, and it held a curl much better than it used too.  The only thing that bothered me was that, when it was wet, it felt really greasy and annoying, and it didn't smell like my conditioner that I love.  So, I thought, maybe I'd stick with the no shampoo and just use conditioner.  I only tried that once.  My hair had the good smell, but still felt annoyingly greasy while it was wet.  The girl that I read about it from, said that the greasiness would go away after 5 weeks.  I don't know how I feel about that no shampoo thing.  I think it was fun to try, but I like the way my hair smells and feels when I wash it.  I could tell my hair was stronger and healthier when I didn't wash it.  so, there are goods and bads to no shampoo.  I think I'm just set in my ways.  I prefer to shampoo and conditioner my hair.  Maybe I will shampoo it a little less than before.  I don't know.  Like I said, I still can't decide what I feel about the whole thing.  I washed my hair like normal the last few showers I took and it felt really nice.  It was a fun experiment though.

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