Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Brinley's Hair - November 11, 2014

Tuesday - November 11th
Brinley let me do her hair for school today.  I love it when they kids let me do their hair.  she looked on Pinterest for a hairstyle and this is the hairstyle she chose.  She loved it at first, but by the time school was over she said it was starting to hurt her head.
 Here are some more hats that I've made.  I've been a crocheting machine lately.  I just keep getting orders for my hats.  It is so nice!  Heavenly Father is really blessing us.  We weren't going to have any money for Christmas.  Now, because of all these hats selling like they are, we are going to get to have presents at Christmas.  We decided that all the crocheting money will go toward our Christmas.
Yesterday, Alissa came home from school with some super sad news.  She came right in and told me first thing.  I was already emotional from my crying on Sunday night, so I didn't handle this news well.  I just burst into tears again.  Alissa has a friend named Tanya.  She is the sweetest girl ever.  When I first met her, I thought, wow, she has been through a lot.  Her mom passed away when she was 8 years old.  She is the youngest of a large family.  I just couldn't imagine how hard it must be to lose your mom at such a young age.  I felt really bad for her, but meeting her dad and seeing how good he was with all of his children put my mind at ease.  Well, over the weekend, she lost her dad.  He passed away on Saturday.  He was feeling sick and had been feeling sick for about a week.  Anyway, he just fell over and died.  I feel so horrible for Tanya.  I can hardly handle it.  This makes me so sad.  This is the second family that I know that has lost both of their parents this year.  It is too much sadness for me to handle.  Alissa said that Tanya's Aunt didn't want Tanya to tell anybody.  They want to just be left alone.  It makes me so sad.  This is a sad way to end this post, but this is all I can think about lately.  My heart hurts so bad for Tanya.

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