Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Trying to sell this hat - November 4, 2014

Tuesday - November 4, 2014
I posted this picture online today, hoping to sell it.  All I got was responses about how nice it looks, but nobody wants to buy it.  So, that's a bummer.  Everybody said I should try and sell my hats.  It's frustrating to actually post a hat on all the classified pages and realize that nobody wants it.  At least, I was able to sell 3 hats to Trisha.  That money will be nice and extremely helpful.  since we started paying our tithing, money as been really tight.  We have not had the money to do a grocery shopping trip since sometime in August.  We have been living off of our food storage.  We haven't had meat in a few weeks.  Roger and I have been struggling to pay our tithing for some time now.  Because, we have just enough money, each pay check to pay our bills, buy gas, and groceries.  There is nothing left over.  If we want money to go out and play, we just scrimp on or don't buy groceries.  So, tithing has been a hard thing for us, because we have known that if we pay tithing, we won't be able to buy groceries.  But we made up our mind in August, that we are going to pay our tithing, no matter what, and we have stuck with that.  It has been rough.  The bishop warned us that it would be rough at first.  He said, it's almost like the lord is testing you to see if you are really committed.  After the rough part, it will get better and the blessings will start coming.  We have been struggling since August.  Our cupboards are nearly bare, but we aren't quitting and things are starting to look up.  Roger got a raise at work.  He took a position as a trainer.  He didn't really want to have that position, because he really doesn't enjoy training people, but it comes with a pay raise and they asked him to apply.  Also, The PC on Roger's shift, moved to a different shift.  They hired a guy, Brenden, on Roger's shift to replace her.   Brenden asked Roger if he will be his back up PC.  That will give Roger an advantage for the next time they are hiring PCs. 
This is the picture of the hat that I posted on the facebook classified pages for our area.  I'm really bummed that nobody wanted to buy it.  I listed it for $10.00.  I guess it just wasn't meant to be.

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