Saturday, November 8, 2014

New Chair and Brinley and Jamie - November 8, 2014

Saturday - November 8, 2014
Since the blessings from paying our tithing have started coming in, we had enough money to do a big grocery shopping trip.  Roger and I went to Sam's Club today.  It was so nice to be able to do a big grocery shopping trip.  We have felt like we were starving.  It has been rough.  But, we are so happy that it is better and we have been overwhelmed with how much Heavenly father has blessed us.  Our computer chair is broken,  It feels like it is going to fall apart and throw you to the ground at any moment when you sit on it.  So, we have been needing to get a new chair.  Today, we were finally able to do that!  So, here is the picture of our new computer chair.
 Alissa's friend, Jamie, was over here again today.  And, again, they got a hold of my phone.  Here are the pictures they took.  Alissa isn't in any of these pictures because she was over at her friend, Malaiyah's house.  Jamie and Malaiyah had a falling out over a roll yesterday.   Since they are mad at each other, Jamie didn't feel like she could go over there to play.  so, she chose to stay and hang out with us instead.
The roll incident that happened yesterday was kind of funny.  Jamie is an only child and she is not used to having to share.  Especially food.  She does not share food!  I can relate to that.  I was not an only child, but I did not share food.  That was a hard thing for me to get over, when I met Roger.  Our first little tiff in our relationship was over a milkshake that he bought for me, then tried to drink a little of it.  It's sad that I was so bothered at the thought of giving him even a little taste.  But, I'm over that now.  I've learned to share my food. 
Back to the story.  Jamie loves my rolls.  I didn't make more rolls yesterday, because I just wasn't feeling up to it.  But there were still a few rolls left in the pan.  Brinley and Malaiyah's younger sister, Tiernynn get home from school about 30 minutes before Alissa, Jamie, and Malaiyah.  Tiernynn and Brinley both wanted a roll.  I told them they could have one, but realized too late, that there wouldn't be enough for Alissa and her friends.  I had some cookies to offer everybody, but not rolls.  since there was one roll left and Jamie seems to be the one who loves the rolls the most, I decided to let her have the last roll.  When they got here, I explained the roll situation as I gave them their cookies.  I told Jamie she could have the last roll.  Malaiyah, thinking it would be a funny joke, ran over and quickly bit into the roll.  It was funny, but Jamie didn't think so.  Jamie got really mad and chased after Malaiyah.  When Jamie caught up to Malaiyah, she slapped her across the face.  Of course, Malaiyah didn't think that was funny at all.  That wasn't funny and wasn't very cool.  Malaiyah and Tiernynn went home and Jamie came in here too cool off.  she explained to me how she does not share food and she does not feel sorry for what she did.  I shared my stories of not sharing food and how things are much better since I learned to share.  She said she will never change.  So, that was fun.  Hopefully, they will make up quickly or walking to and waiting at the bus stop is going to be really akward for the three of them for a while.

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