Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Brinley Lost Some Teeth - May 27, 2015

Wednesday - May 27th
Brinley had a dentist appointment today.  She did really well.  It has been a while since she has been to the dentist.  Because of some changes in Roger's insurance, we planned to find a different dentist.  I never found one I wanted to go to, so we just didn't go to the dentist for a long time.  Brinley ended up getting a bad toothache and even though she is scared of the dentist, she was desperate to go to get rid of her tooth pain.  I prepared her for the appointment and explained that if she didn't cooperate they wouldn't help her and we'd have to reschedule with the dentist who could give her the knock out medicine and work on her.  She had to do that last time.  But if that happened, she was going to have to suffer with her tooth pain for a few more days.  She promised to be strong, so she could get it fixed.  She was so strong.  She didn't even flinch when they gave her the numbing shots.  She did really well.  I was very proud of her and the dentist was so surprised.  She ended up having 2 teeth pulled.  They were due to fall out with in the year anyway, so it was no big deal.  She had a tooth next to those that was loose.  One the way home from the dentist, that tooth fell out.  So, in all, she lost 3 teeth today.  She was excited about the tooth fairy bringing her $3.00.

 Alissa was told to bring a camera to school today for a project in one of her classes.  These are the pictures she took.  She did her project with her friend, Jamie.
 These are the pictures she took on her walk home from school.  This is the way they normally walk, but it is a shortcut through the fair grounds.  I told them, when it is rainy and wet, they should go the long way, so they could avoid all of the mud.  They didn't listen to me.  Alissa and Malaiyah came home and told me their funny story about getting through the mud.  Alissa didn't want to walk through it, since she had flip flops.  Malaiyah told her, no problem, I'll carry you over it.  So, Alissa got on Malaiyah's back and Malaiyah gave her a piggy back ride across the mud.  Alissa thought Malaiyah wouldn't be able to carry her, but Malaiyah did it with no problems.  They were both laughing as they were telling me about it.  I guess she almost fell once.  I can't remember what else they said that they thought was so funny.

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