Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My little ones do not feel well - February 22, 2012

Wednesday - February 22, 2012
This morning Alissa had a tummy ache, Brinley had a scratchy voice and told me her throat hurt, and Parker's nose was running nonstop.  Alissa's tummy said that she felt bloated and gassy, not throw-upy.  Brinley said that she was fine and really wanted to go to school today.  When I tols the kids to get ready for school, they all did, without any complaints.  Non of them said, "I'm sick.  Can I stay home?"  So I thought, since no one was complaining and they were all getting ready, that I would just send them to school anyway.  They were already, with their backpacks on and everything.  We walked towards the door and I turned around to look at them.  Alissa was a little hunched over, because her tummy was still hurting and Parker was wiping his snobers on his shirt.  They all looked so miserable.  It clicked in my brain, "What are you doing?  These kids are too sick to go to school."  I felt bad that I had even woke them up and had them get ready.  I apologized for making them get ready.  I told them that I could tell that they were all feeling miserable and they didn't have to go to school.  They all needed to stay home and get better.  Parker and Alissa were relieved, but Brinley was sad.  She really wanted to go to school.  She is in Kindergarten, so school is still really fun for her.  I decided to let Brinley go.  She was happy about that.  Parker was so lost with out Brinley here for him to play with.  He almost didn't know what to do with himself.  As soon as he heard the bus pull up to drop Brinley off, he went racing outside to meet her.  I love how well Alissa, Parker, and Brinley play together.  They love eachother and look out for eachother.  It makes me so happy!

Roger worked last night, so he slept all day, woke up and sat around for 2 hours, then left to work.  I don't love the days when Roger works.  I miss him. 

I'm super tired and emotional today.  Everything makes me cry.  I took a long nap this morning, so that helped a little.  I watched a show called Secret Millionaire.  On the show, a millionaire lives in a poor part of town and lives like a poor person for a week, while meeting people and looking for places to volunteer.  They are basically trying to find and meet people in need, so that they can help.  At the end of the show, they reveal that they are actually very wealthy and would like to give these people money.  On the episode I watched tonight, the millionaire gave $40,000.00 to a volunteer program that taught music to under privileged kids.  She gave $30,000.00 to a volunteer program that gives bedroom makeovers for children who are sick and their families are struggling because of medical bills.  She gave $10,000.00 to a family with a five year old daughter that had luekemia.  She also gave $20,000.00 to a volunteer group that fed the poor.  As I was watching the ending, where she surprised all those people with money, I was bawling my eyes out.  The kids kept asking, "Why are you crying, Mommy?"  Good times!

Before the kids went to bed tonight, Alissa's tummy was hurting really bad.  I'm sure she will be up in the night.  Brinley's cough is making it hard for her to sleep.  Parker was complaining that his tummy hurt also.

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