Thursday, February 2, 2012

Parent Teacher Conference - February 2, 2012

Thursday - February 2, 2012
I didn't get a lot of sleep last night.  My friend, Heather, who was having a hard time, called at 3:50am.  She was having a panic attack and didn't know who she could call or what to do.  She came over and we talked for a while.  I don't know if I did any good, but I know it always helps me to have somebody there and someone to talk to.  So, I didn't get a lot of sleep last night.  I spent most of the day trying to get some sleep, but it didn't happen.  I had to get somethings done before I could go back to bed.  Every time, that I had a chance to sleep, something would happen to keep me from sleeping.  Being tired and not being able to sleep gave me a headache.  So, I had a headache when we went to parent teacher conferences.

I was not looking forward to Parent Teacher Conferences.  We did not have very many good experiences at North Park Elementary school.  I always left parent teacher conferences feeling like such a bad parent.  It was so bad that last year, I couldn't bring myself to go to parent teacher conferences at all.  I felt guilty everyday for sending my kids to a place that I refused to go myself.  I don't like confrontation and ugly uncomfortable situations and I avoid them at all cost.  If I went to their school, I would have run in to one or more of the teachers or principal that seemed to enjoy those kind of uncomfortable situations.

The Garland school that the kids are going to now, is completely different.  Parent teacher conference was such a different experience.  I left the school feeling happy and so proud of my smart children.  It is so nice to have a positive experience at the kids' school!  I'm so glad to know that the kids' school experience can be a positive fun experience.  I had been wondering how in the world we were going to survive this whole school experience.  It's really hard as a parent to send your kids out in to the world.  It's even harder when the place you are sending them to is such a miserable place that you can't even stand to go there yourself.  I had started questioning if I was the one making this whole school experience much harder than it had to be.  I had been feeling pretty guilty and frustrated about it.  I didn't know what I could do to make it better and to make it so I felt more comfortable at the school and would be able to help out and be more involved.
Anyway...  I'm just glad to know that it was the school and not me.  Things are so wonderful at this school.  The teachers that I've met and the principal are so wonderful.  Yay!  I can be a good mom and get more involved at the kids' school!  It feels so good to know that this is not a problem anymore.

After parent teacher conferences, Roger had to hurry to work.  He ended up being late.  The kids ran outside to play and I was finally able to take a nap.  I'm looking forward to finding out if the Steven Henager college thing is true.  I really hope that I will be able to take the CNA course for free.

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