Thursday, December 13, 2018

Bad Blood Draw - December 13, 2018

Thursday - December 13th

I went to see Dr. Wilding this morning, since I needed to get my liver checked and I need some more Phentermine.  I'm still very mad at the doctor that told me phentermine is probably damaging my liver and I should throw it away, then she prescribed medicine that destroys your liver and causes rapid weight gain.  It makes me so mad!  I don't plan on going back to first choice health care anymore.  They are bad bad bad!
My appointment with Dr, Wilding was great.  He did a little reading about phentermine and assured me that it will not hurt my liver.  Anyway, he prescribed more phentermine for me, so I can get back to losing weight and not gaining.  To check my liver, they had to draw blood.  This is where things went bad.  The guy drawing my blood couldn't find my vein.  He was digging around with the needle in my arm, trying to find it.  He gave up and decided to try the other arm.  The other arm was so painful.  I've never had it hurt so bad when my blood has been drawn.  It hurt the whole time the blood was coming out.  Usually, it hurts when the needle pokes in, then again when the needle comes out.  This time it hurt the whole time.  He said it was probably because the vein was really deep in my arm.  Before he finished, it stopped giving blood.  He said, "Uh oh.  That's not good.  somethings wrong... uh... I'll be right back."  When he came back, he said that the amount he got should be enough to get the test done.  He apologized so much for all the pain he caused.  He said there will for sure be a bruise on my arm. 
When I got home from the doctor, I realized that there was a big lump under the skin on my arm, where he had drawn the blood.  My arm has hurt all day.  The lump slowly went away.
After the doctor appointment, I went to Walmart to buy blue bonnet, so I can make a yummy rice krispy treat to give as a gift.  I ended up spending $50.00.  I bought a few more things that we need for the Christmas parties this weekend and some food.  I should not have been shopping on a hungry tummy.
10 minutes after I got home from the appointment and the store, Roger woke up.  It was 11:30ish.  He usually sleeps a lot longer.  We hung out for a little bit.  We ate lunch and watched a show.  Then I fell asleep for a little bit before I had to go pick up the kids.  
I got home from getting the kids, then had to drive Alissa to work.  After that, I shoveled the driveway and the sidewalk.  I should have shoveled it on the day it snowed, but I really thought it would melt.  My weather app on my phone lies!  It really is a crappy weather app.  I shows that it will be partly cloudy and mostly sunny for the next 7 days, but everywhere else is warning of a big snow storm on Monday.  Also, the last time it was snowing, I looked at my weather app and it said there was a 10% chance of rain.  No mention of the snow.  It snowed 2 inches that morning.
After shoveling the snow, I've just been cleaning.  Roger got tired, since he woke up so early, so he is back in bed.  Brin is in her room doing homework, Parker's at the counter eating the last of the cereal, and Alissa is still at work.
Parker took these pictures of the dogs tonight. We love our doggies.

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